Kendra Taylor

My brain immediately conjured up an image of Dale's "WTF are you doing" stare (usually applied to Shane) and imagined it judging the Governor's attack on Martinez. I miss Dale ):

I understand the Governor being at a psychological impasse, i.e him accepting that he can't run away from leadership (or rather tyranny), but I was angry and confused that he didn't just run over the zombies or kill them one by one. :/ It didn't help that Lilly was there to look shocked as if the apocalypse happened

That was the quickest thing about this episode. One minute Tara is talking about guns with Alicia, the next Alicia is staying over at Uncle Brian's mobile home, and then she's roadtripping with the family. :/ Is she a time traveler?

I don't know if this is what the writers were going for, but I thought that the scene of the Governor dragging Pete's body to the dock/pond was a flashback. He talked to Mich after he had removed Pete and assessed if he was worth keeping around. When he (Mich) asked what he was going to do with his brother's body, the

Tara's cool. Her sister can go though.

Has anyone else noticed the mentions of animals in this season? We got the dead boar (the one that Sinead O'Connor's lookalike was trying to get to when Rick found her), the the sick piglets, the stray/wild dogs eating a corpse, and then a little line about the pond being dead in this episode. I wouldn't have noticed

Carl's going to lose his shit if this happens


I just saw that episode today and I just wanted to sink in my bed and cry. :/ I love Boardwalk Empire, but it destroys my heart every time I watch the finale

Insert random appearance by B.D Wong giving him religious advice as he contemplates killing the Governor to avenge his brother.

In my mind, Shane would've accepted the "2nd in command" position and then stabbed the Governor in the back. I miss Shane :/

Calling Lilly an Andrea 2.0 model is ironically a disservice to Andrea. I've never been supportive of Andrea's characer arc (her dialogue, her chronic bitch face, etc), but I'll give credit where credit is due and say that she could at least defend herself. Lilly, meanwhile acts as if the zombie outbreak just happened

Maybe you or someone else can answer this, but are we sure there's just one other group and not two? The introduction of the headless corpses with guilty signs attached to them seemed to be orchestrated by an individual (or group) that didn't belong to the same group that raided those 9-10 people for their supplies.

Only for the first 100 people to purchase it

Mmm. Crixus. What are you still doing here. Go and find Spartacus episodes!

So I totally listen to Developers remix and I totally forgot that it was Ballmer. Thank you for reminding me and making me laugh more at the scene between him and Gates

When did we see Jamie's? I have to go back and watch that episode for research

I just remember Hodor's…mainly because Osha asked if he had giant's blood in him.

Wait, what? I can see you applying this ideology to Lizzie or Penny Replacement 2, but all the characters? Really?

Not unless William dies for his father's mistakes :/