Kendra Taylor

Thank so much. I now know exactly who you're talking about and now I want him back too!

Yay a 2-in-1 explanation of the character in the show,, as well as in history. Thank you :]

Note to self: skip the review, read the comments instead

Oh, I thought the patient in DePaul's proposal was her mom. Damn, I really liked her

Add The Walking Dead and Boardwalk Empire to the list and you're me

It also broke my heart when Libby referred to him as the handyman, especially after the fact she talked to him as an equal in the scenes prior. I did like the symbolism behind their tango, particularly how they started out with their arms almost touching, only to end up embraced.

Yes. I know. But because they died in the previous season, their absence has made this season better.

It saddened me that she didn't have a name prior to meeting Narcisse. As for why she left, I thought it was because of her depression. Throughout her "stay" at Buneau's house, she was described as being a weight to Chalky in addition to being the cause of his trouble. When you're depressed any fault you see within

I'd be so pissed if this is the reason she left. It'd make sense though .

That line from Roy, "You really are a courageous woman" made me want to punch him for Gillian's sake.

Shush, Narcisse

He doesn't seem to have that personality that Bugsy's actor showed. Geraghty does the no-nonsense demeanor very well (I for one would like to see a scene between him and Shannon, personally), but I don't think he's well suited for a character known for sudden outburts of anger and ruthlessness.

Purnsley* . I also think Narcisse would have Chalky's joints spied on by his men so that he could convert the men to his side and/or get rid of those loyal to Chalky

No! Narcisse better leave Maybelle alone!

Also, to add to the comments below. Nucky doesn't forgive. Sure, if Eli saved him at the last minute, Nucky would thank him, and then punish him for betraying him before that.

You hold your tongue! Mickey needs to be as long as possible so we get that infectious laughter of his

Who's Daugherty again?

As soon as Eli's wife mentioned the disguised-as-a-life-insurance salesman Knox, I kept imagining Nucky grabbing his brother and whispering in his ear, "I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart. You broke my heart!" Replace Fredo with Eli. :/ My heart was beating so fast in this episode due to the suspense (Chalky

Yeah. I'm saying that their deaths helped this season by being absent

To be fair, that girl does look a lot like Penny