Kendra Taylor

Not sure why, but I laughed…like for a long time


Hershel is basically Santa, giving us gifts by his mere presence.

Wait, why?Honest question. if someone you loved was not only murdered, but had her body desecrated and you weren't allow to give a proper goodbye, would be like, "Ah shucks. We really need this person because they're muscle. I forgive her?"This twist would be more confusing and unreleastic than interesting

I was actually glad that Maggie did something. If Lori or Andrea would've done the same thing, I would've hated it because they would've caused more harm than good. However, somehow Maggie made it work, she carried herself well, and without her Glen wouldn't be alive.

Based off the preview for next sunday's episode, it doesn't even look like he has Martinez and the other guy

For me, since I can't speak for anyone else, I didn't like Andrea because of how she was portrayed both to and for us. I didn't read Kirkman's graphic novel (thankfully, because I'm sure I would've been more upset with her characterization), but I tried to pay attention to everyone's character and see if they

After all of the Governor's shit we had to put up with in season 3, I'd be kind of angry and disappointed if they made him really submissive or placating to Rick and the gang.

Ever since Game of Thrones started killing off characters that were previously deemed invincible, people have wanted to extend that plot device to other shows. I personally loved this episode because it made us (well, at least me) believe that any of them could die. For the ones I cared about (Hershel, Maggie, Glen),

I think this action speaks of Hershel's character. He doesn't want to kill the recently deceased in front of the others because they'll lose hope in trying to survive. If he were to start locking everyone inside, a lot of people might think that he's giving up on them and so, they'd give up on themselves. From a

Thankfully no

I was so afraid that that blonde walker was Beth. Poor other blonde woman though for trying to save Hershel and accidentally getting shot

I'd actually rather have this sickness be a main plotline and the Governor be a subplot/minor focus

Ain't nobody got time for that! But seriously, from season 3, it seemed to take a pretty long time for those zombies in the governor's pit to die. If you have a crowd of them out in the open, lighting them on fire isn't smart. For one thing, if they get close to you, great you're on fire now too. A second thing, what

He's a tough son of a bitch. He's so amazing that his stupidity can save lives

I'm thinking there's going to be a tete-a-tete between her and Carl. They're both teetering on the sociopathic scale

I never thought of that. Nice theory!

You could tell Rick was proud and terrified of Carl when he was mowing down those walkers….

I hope her and Daryl form a tag team worthy of a pay-per-view fight

I didn't like the Governor, but that could be because his scenes were mostly intertwined with Andrea's and I couldn't stand her. I don't think of him as credible threat (no matter how much AMC wants me to think he is), but maybe next sunday will surprise both of us. I also loved the prison story arc. Realistically, if