Kendra Taylor

I wouldn't call her annoying, but psychopathic. That scene where she's rubbing her foot in the blood didn't seem like, "Oh, this came out of Glen and he could've died today". Instead, it seemed as if she wanted to see more death/walkers. I don't trust her.

This was an amazing episode so I'm surprised by the B grade, but whatever. This season is so far the best season the Walking Dead has had so far. Hershel is a fucking boss! I've always liked Hershel, but this episode really cemented his ideology, his motivations, and his self-sacrifice. I'm down to have a character

Oh, I forgot. I'd give all of King Midas' gold to be sandwiched between Fitz and Jake. I'm glad that Olivia didn't take Fitz back…but I can admit that the two men in her life are damn gorgeous.

I don't know what it is but I absolutely adore Mellie. She's always planning something 24/7

What reference to Cleopatra did Mellie make? I absolutely loved this episode, even if I currently can't stand Quinn's current plotline. Fina-fuck-fully Harrison is getting a plotline! I hope that Kudrow's speech gets recirculated all over tumblr!

I hated this episode. Clearly I'm in the minority here since everyone loved it, but this season is the worst so far. I didn't laugh at all during this episode.

Which one's Betty?

For some reason I expected to hear Ichabod scream, "GLABER" before leaping towards him in slow motion. I miss Spartacus :<

This episode deserved an A, simply from having Craig Parker (who you forgot to mention), James Frain, and John Noble guest star.I hope they bring back Craig Parker…. since, well….the last time I saw him was on Spartacus and I miss him terribly. And really, James Frain should be known for a lot of other shows (True

Mmmm Craig Parker

Why would Rick cover for her? We've seen him ignore signs of others troubling behavior (Shane and Carl come to mind) that he's learned to tackle the situation head on rather than ignore it. Covering for her or lying to others of what she did would only reinforce the idea that Carol can do what she wants if she truly

He would've made the group weaker by letting her stay. Do you think that the entire group would've been fine if she confessed what she did? No, they would be divided. They already have problems with the contagion that they need to be unified.He gave her more supplies than what she would've gotten if the council

Only until the Governor comes back. Til' then, lets just enjoy his absence

Lol. I'm going to borrow that phrase, cracker-jack BS. Thank you

And his beautiful face

But….I'd love a spin-off with Morgan. :/

Nicely said!

Warning: David Lynch. Michael Shannon was superb as always, and it was nice to see a mini reunion of Big Love cast members in the movie, but if you're not a fan of Lynch (or Herzog), you won't love it.

There was nothing wrong with Cannavale's Rossetti, ma'am!

Though I'm saddened at Eric's horrible portrayal (who is in charge of casting), I'm happy that we got to hear the voice of Yvette Nicole Brown (Shirley from Community) as Ursula and, of course, there was no Henry which is always a giant plus. Hopefully Hook will find someone else. He's too good for Emma.