
Right, but that didn’t sound like what the commenter I was responding to was describing. Swinging doesn’t necessarily involve swapping, but a threesome doesn’t necessarily constitute swinging either.

Why don’t you believe him when he says he’d be fine with you being with other women? Is it because he’s given some sort of indication, maybe that you’ve even picked up on subconciously, that he really wouldn’t be okay with it regardless of what his mouth says? Or do you maybe just feel that way because that’s how you

It’s really moreso just a threesome or sharing thing rather than swinging, I think, since you’re not *both* swapping with other people. Guess I could be wrong, though. And been sorta where you are, so I feel you.

$100,000 a year in the 1800s?? And as a woman?? Damn, this chick KILLIN it. Go, girl.

Oh, it’s more than plausible. I’m just wondering who/how she was told that. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if one of them did use it as some sort of threat against her. The only bright side I could see there being to how incompetent they are is that at least they are dumb enough to let things like that slip, things we

For somebody who constantly remarks about how women should look, and tears down anybody who’s not a “perfect 10" in his eyes, Trump sure does have some... let’s leave it as frumpy... dudes modeling his clothes.

This story was around loooong before Tinder was, and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t real then, either. Still a good freaky story though.

I’m curious how she knows about these “dossiers” - that sounds like something they’d keep a little more than under wraps, imo. And I’m also curious if she’s saying that they keep dossiers on black reporters specifically, or if she’s saying literally she’s just one of the journalists they keep files on that also happen

It’s not assumptions, it’s conclusions I’ve drawn from my own experiences. And, as I said, I’m not an expert, nor am I claiming that’s the case for everybody. But I really don’t think it’s “far more” individual or personal than that, not for the majority of straight males I was speaking about, in any case. Anyway, if

You said exactly what I was trying (not entirely successfully I don’t think) to say. Bravo.

I think it’s because transgender men don’t “bother” people (namely straight men) as much. Kind of like how a lot of homophobes hate gay men sooo much, but are “okay” with lesbians. I think part of that at least is that they sexualize women so much and just envision hot steamy lesbian sex, and that makes it okay in

I am too fucking pissed to even form words at this wasting sack of fetid flesh. Somebody please fucking kill this guy. I cannot pay you with money, but I will give you my undying gratitude.

I think Ms. Bzura needs to chalk this up to a loss and count herself as lucky that she’s not going to be stuck with these people as her in-laws after all. What a hot mess.

Jesus fuck. What a cunt. I hope she is a former friend of your mother’s after that comment...

Abortion punch card, that’s good. I’m definitely using that, if you don’t mind. And just... wow. I sometimes forget that as crappy as my state is sometimes, there is a lot of bullshit I don’t actually have to deal with on a day to day basis by living here. Jesus.

Has anybody else seen that ridiculous music video this twat is in? I am honestly trying to figure out if it’s supposed to be a joke or not. I mean, it’s definitely a joke, but is it intentionally a joke?

Best thing Uber’s ever done.

That is the best way I have ever heard that explained. Thank you.

I’m curious what thinly veiled racism she’s talking about being in that newspaper. I don’t live there and really don’t have time to read through it, if it’s even accessible without a subscription, anyway. Anyone have any more details?

The judge’s sentencing and statements kiiiinda gave me the idea that that might be the case. I guess I’m just hoping that in the mix somewhere there are a few odd (read: normal, sane, decent) workers in the justice system that could make that idea work. =/