
Unfortunately, i think the fact that no one helped her was probably more based on her being homeless rather than trans.

I mean you have no clue about that what so ever but why not speculate wildly right?

I know cis women with masculine features. I would never assume that a woman with masculine feature was trans.

How did the bystanders know she was trans?


absolutely right. abortion did change me. It gave me a huge sense of relief and happiness that my life would not be negatively impacted by having to have a child all alone (esp since the father insisted “its not mine”.) My legal right. My legal choice. No issues. changed for the better!

“That hardly happens”. Even if that’s true, shouldn’t abortion be legal in such cases? “Pro-life” politicians will often say abortion should be illegal in all circumstances.

Talk to Scott Walker, who refused to say he would oppose abortion when the woman’s life was in danger. And get ready to get triggered.

Your risk of dying from a legal abortion is statistically zero, no matter what method you choose; the most recent numbers I can find on maternal death in childbirth is something like 24 per 100,000 live births in 2014, so, yeah, birth is more dangerous, even if it’s still not that dangerous. Maternal death rates are

There are hundreds if not thousands of women reading this site who could chime in here and, like me, assure you that an abortion does not carry long-term consequences for us of any kind. 2 abortions, one to save my life and one not, and I would do the latter over again in a heartbeat because it was unquestionably the

You are misinformed.

No. You have no clue what you are talking about. I don’t need to “go here and see how much this impacts a woman’s mental and physical health,” I’ve *had* an abortion and I know first-hand. And the only way in which it affected my physical health was to make me not pregnant anymore. And it affected my mental health

STFU, you anti-woman, anti-science, right wing asshole.

There is no “her.”

Good call on the fire ants.

The special rights that we give churches in this country are fucked up.

As a short person (I’ve learned anything <6ft is short for a guy) I find every situation that inconviences a tall person to be a small sliver of justice.

So, what are sexually active men? Used dildos?

Serious question: Did you husband consider changing his name to your name? Same result would have been achieved.

I wonder why more men don't change their names so as to share something with their wives and future children?