
My brain simply refuses to compute that there is a flesh sack this fucking stupid among us. I have no words.

The thought had occurred to me, unfortunately. That documentary really does sound interesting, but I think I’m about at capacity for hearing about unspeakably awful things done to people for the week =/

Yes. I think OP was incorrectly thinking that the apostrophe was in the wrong spot, but they were correct in that the title isn’t worded properly...

Ugh, too late to edit. And I didn’t know that. Didn’t realize I could be more repulsed by this than I already was

Wow. That makes this story that much more sickening.

Ditto. That’s a good idea, but unfortunately, wouldn’t have worked back in the times when Judy Garland was filming. She’s lucky she was even allowed to do something other than stay home cleaning the house and birthing a litter of children >=|

I’m so down

Of course she’s allowed to take offense. I just don’t think she should have done what she did. And I think it goes with out saying that George shouldn’t have acted the way he did after, either.

That’s exactly how I saw it. I mean, the clip didn’t show everything from the beginning, so I could be mistaken, but from the information we were given, that was precisely how I understood it to be.

K, bye, cunt!

It’s so disgusting that the suggestion of grown men groping a woman on the set of a movie she’s filming - as well as nothing being done about it - is not only entirely probable, but not even all that surprising. Ugh.

Also. I don’t live in Idaho, so it’s not really feasible for me, but... Theoretically, if somebody were to have, or say they had, sex with this assclown and reported it to the courts, would that be enough to violate his probation? Purely hypothetical question, of course...

IDGAF if this creep MET this girl on social media - which he didn’t, even - how the FUCK does that change the fact that this pos RAPED a FOURTEEN year old GIRL? This scum literally said that he likes to use YOUNG CHILDREN for SEXUAL GRATIFICATION. He literally TOLD you that he is a fucking child molester, and your

That slogan is powerful af. It’s amazing how three short sentences can be so incredibly meaningful, and motivating. No doubt that is the best thing that ever has or will come out of Mitch McConnell; I am just in awe of how much it speaks to me.

Yep. And you can replace Jewish with Indian, white, black, Asian, etc. and that sentence would still be accurate.

I agree. I didn’t mean “I’m with him” on his reaction, I meant that I also feel that the woman should have just kept it to herself, or walked out. You know what you’re signing on for when you go to a stand-up comedy show - if you can’t deal with jokes that might offend you, you probably shouldn’t go.

Yeah, his reaction was out of line. And the way he reacted to her criticism by making super heated low blows totally makes him look like a sad, insecure little man. Not a fan. Still don’t think she was in the right either, though.

Yes, yes, a hundred times yes. I’m totally stealing “pink it and shrink it”, by the way!

It must be nice to be so stupid. I mean, life must be so much more simple when you are just too dumb to understand the things going on around you. Anyway, enjoy your life as a vacuous cunt.

I said that in my comment, but okay.