
I disagree. People do choose what to believe. Maybe you can’t choose to believe there is a god of some sorts, but you actively choose to believe a certain set of religious beliefs. For example, Jews and Christians both believe in what is more or less the same god, but Jews choose to believe that eating pork is wrong,

Oh jeez. I just saw the part where it says this magazine is intended for “stylish women over 40". Maybe that’s why it’s so awful (to me)..

Can’t be sad about that. That freakin magazine has been showing up at my house, unsolicited — and I know I didn’t request it in error, rather it was somehow “spammed” to me, because it’s addressed to an alias I use when filling out anything I don’t want to have my real info. I even tried reading it once or twice, but

That’s too cute. It is really sad to say this, but I’m kind of surprised nobody went into the park and trashed them or vandalized them. I’m glad the people there are decent human beings and left the homes there to be enjoyed by everyone - that wouldn’t be the case everywhere!

These POS Republicans are so seriously terrible that I actually read the title to this article and my first thought was that I was surprised he hadn’t already said that. Can I just for a second say how unbelievably, excruciatingly, agonizingly terrified I am that one of these fuckheads will actually get elected

It sure seems that women are constantly being punished the worst for having sex, whether it’s biologically, societally, psychologically, physically, or emotionally. Sigh. Also, I really hope this disease can’t be transmitted sexually, because that’s a terrifying thought, especially seeing as how the people most likely

Is it only possibly cancer causing when its used in that certain area, or is it on any part of your body?? Like, say, feet? I can’t find the answer... =(

You seem pretty educated, so I’m going to ask you. I use baby powder (yes, Johnson & Johnson quite often) in my socks and sometimes shoes. Is it still possibly capable of causing this cancer when it’s applied to places other than your ladybits?? I’m kinda freaking out now.

But I think that is the entire point. Supporting characters are not main characters. The idea is that women in film don’t seem to be rewarded for being entrepreneurs, military members, etc., they are mainly only recognized as “best” actors in a film when they are playing a wife or girlfriend.

I’m sure some of them, for sure. They’re definitely not all from earlier years, but I do agree that that is more than likely a part of it. Even some of the 2015 winners were more often wife/girlfriend than anything else. If you read the linked article, it’s pretty interesting. Unfortunately, it doesn’t break down at

Absofreakinglutely. Every time I read some crap like that, it infuriates me. Can we just be upset about whatever happened to this woman, because she is a human being who deserves better than that, and not minimize her into little more than an incubator? Like, wtf.

What do you mean the obit thing doesn’t pan out? I’m not sure if I’m understanding what you’re trying to say. Are you familiar with the obituary of Yvonne Brill, the rocket scientist? (h/t to Rando Calrissian for reminding me of her name upthread)

That is EXACTLY what I was thinking of when I made my comment, I just couldn’t remember the specifics. Thank you. That shit sent me into a spiral of rage for quite a while.

Hmm.. very true. Although I gotta say, in person he doesn’t even remotely resemble a Schipperke. Def could see some kelpie in there, though. Also, maybe some Australian Cattle Dog? The faces are almost identical. He is way fatter for one, and he’s more black with wavier fur, but I totally see it in his face..

True. It’s just that because I’m reading it on this particular site, where the people they decide are “heroes/idols/whatever,” are never called out for something that literally any other person making the same statement would be, that it stuck out in my mind.

Woops, my bad. Should have been “would-be murderer”. I wasn’t really being metaphorical, just used the wrong word. Good call!

Wow, really? I always totally believed that one, and it definitely did happen when me, my mother, and sister were all living in the same house, and I know it’s definitely happened to other women I know. Just coincidence I guess, then? Or could be the fact that it’s technically 28 days, so over time there’s of course

That’s saying the least. That’s a good idea about the passport, though, I’ll have to suggest the same to anybody I know about that has a hard time with it in the future.

They probably don’t point it out specifically, since it may fall under the umbrella of “wife” to them, but I would be willing to bet a significant portion of my paycheck that the best actress award winners are also playing mothers. It’s just like when women are described, like in an obituary or article about a death —

The only good thing that could ever come out of Wendy Williams’ mouth would be her tongue, so that she could no longer word-vomit all over us. Wendy. Shut the fuck up. Just shut up.