His apology is about as articulate and convincing as his presidential campaign itself.
His apology is about as articulate and convincing as his presidential campaign itself.
Good god, no. Also, why the fuck would I buy and use a scary ass torture device when I’ve got fingers that work perfectly well?
Hmm. Very ... interesting. Can’t say I wasn’t a little shocked/squicked out by the fact that it’s inserted through your nose (I was kind of imagining more of a suppository deal), though. Thanks for the info!
Yup, yup, yup, and probably even more things we share. Not to mention, many couples, especially ones that have been together a long time, will sometimes share things like toothbrushes, makeup items, even underwear. All things that transfer germs back and forth between them. So no surprise.
Exactly. I honestly can’t imagine too many people actually doing that. Seems like a lot of work, and a hell of a lot of risk, for very little realistic gain. That’s crazy as far as your ID renewal goes!! I just bring my old ID, though tbh, I don’t think they even looked at it, I think tell them my SSN and confirm my…
Correct. And probably more that neither of us have even thought of yet, because why bother wracking our brains when there are clearly so many factors that would add to this! Def a big “duh” of a study, imo.
It’s got to be unbelievably sad for the victim and her family that this woman won’t be charged for murdering the fetus, since the victim was planning on keeping it, but it’s such a slippery slope, and we all know that if such a law were enacted, there would be assholes using it to punish women for having abortions or…
Nevermind, I’m dumb :/
..... >_<
Exactly. I mean, not completely the same, obviously, but living in such close proximity, and sharing so many things as one does when they live with another, seems like it’d be pretty likely to mean that your systems are similar. Almost (but not really) like how multiple women living together or who are extremely close…
Oh dog. I want to know, but I so so don’t want to know.
Funny, mine’s been telling me it has to go in your butt for years. Coincidence that OP is referring to a fecal transplant? I think not.
I am not super surprised by this. You and your partner live in the same environment, exposed to the same factors in that sense. Plus, you probably eat a number of the same foods since you eat meals together,and more than likely are pretty similar as far as activeness such as exercising or hobbies. Not to mention other…
Yup. And, again, fuck these people. When these assholes get their way (which is far, far too frequently), corporations are beings with rights, and those rights apparently supersede the rights of actual, living, breathing, homosapien, females. It makes me sick.
I’m making phone calls and sitting here while it rings in my ear 85%+ of the time I’m here, so yeah... Definitely a bit of work-surfing going on daily! Only unfortunate part is my bosses are nearby so I can’t listen to videos, which clearly, means I’m sometimes not as informed as I should be =/ But yeah, not having an…
And all I see is somebody with nothing remotely relevant or important to say responding with less competence than one of the newborns in question could, so I guess we’re about even.
LOL sorry that when you can’t come up with a legitimate and sensible reply you have to resort to calling somebody a troll. Wishing you better luck in the future, pal.
WOW, really? I’m legit super surprised about that. Maybe the area I’m in just relies way more heavily on your standard government ID/driver’s license or something. I also had no idea about those other IDs being accepted/not accepted either. I gotta say, though, accepting fishing licenses but not student IDs (I think…
ARGH, finally! I was trying to reply to your comment forever, but it kept bringing me up to respond to the author directly. ANYWAY, lol. Thanks for the info! It’s actually my dad’s dog, and I’m now wondering if it isn’t a stumpy after all, because he looks nothing like the dog in the picture you posted... This is him^…