Eat, sleep, train.
Eat, sleep, train.
Cosby supporters.
This one time, I had a boss who invited me out to lunch. When I got there, I realized I was the only invitee. He put his hand on my leg and said, “I hope we are going to have a great working relationship.”
And for this guy, as a politician, to then go back and write a memo: ‘Oh, I felt threatened.’ He felt so threatened — but he didn’t do anything.”
I can tell you. 90's/00's which is where we are getting all our nostalgia from now.
This is comically racist bullshit. Like something you’d expect to see on television.
I so needed to read this today. I’m that person. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve told a joke in the middle of a conversation that was not well received and I worried all day if those people were offended, or they didn’t like me anymore, etc. It’s exhausting picking at every little thing. I’ll try this.
And, how many coal miners are going to buy Ivanka label pinky rings?
Come off it Megan, you know a politician isn’t electable until they physically assault at least one person.
No, stop. Melania is nobody’s mascot. Unless she Lorena Bobbits his ass, fuck her, and even then still fuck her.
He refuses to go over 88 lbs.
Same. She’s pretty chill.
Trump gave up more intel in 5 minutes with the Russians than John McCain did in 5 years of torture from the North Vietnamese.
You know what? I can’t even be annoyed at him anymore. This is just exhibit #573 on Trump’s bottomless need to be the most loved person in the room, at the cost of everyone else.
It’s OK, you guys. The WaPo comment section assures me that this is FAKE NEWS.