whoof, i’m kind of questioning of sex offender registries, but you definitely lost me at “these punishments far, far exceed the crime.”
Actually, despite male rape being an MRA talking point, feminists were the first champions of the issue of male rape. A man can absolutely be raped by a woman and arousal doesn’t equal consent.
But does he know Colonel Sanders?
Feel you and hear you.
And they still get listed after craft services in the credits.
Of course the student stood by his demands. How else is he to absorb the elements of his Kraft?
Good for her. I have in general found women in the sex worker industry to be brave and supportive of other women. I do not honestly have a lot of exposure to women in that industry, but a couple of years back my cousin (who was 15 at the time) went missing and we thought we found an ad for her on backpage, and also…
Not to detract away from the rapes and murders because those are awful, it was nice to read that she was heard by the authorities and the judge didn't just throw her into prison and that the system worked for her. I super fucking needed that today.
Dutton is not the prime minister, he’s the immigration minister. Christ on a bike, fact checking matters.
...except agriculture yields a commodity, a product... that provides a purpose, meets a need.... how dumb are people to continually compare this to using water for green lawns and infinity pools?
12 million gallons for one home is a drop in the bucket to you? Get over yourself.
kind of a #notallmen argument you’ve got there.
Sure thing, Bill Maher.
Okay, guy.
This isn’t new, it’s just new technology. Back in the day, I sent a carrier pigeon who ended up getting lost and flying west instead of east, and the result was a beautiful, long, sustained pigeon-exchange. We celebrated our seventeenth anniversary in August.
This is sad, but diet frosted lemonade? If you're going to be put to death...shouldn't you just be like, fuck it, I'll just have the calories?
“any Muslim should “subjugate their religious beliefs to our Constitution””