Ronald Weisenheimer

She's doing reshoots for Closer to give it a lighter, jokier tone.

We joke, but there is at least an 85% chance that Christopher Walken will appear in any given movie.

Nice try, but it's difficult to make Dick Van Dyke sound any more sexual than it already is.

I don't know that compulsively downvoting the trailer a record number of times and believing this movie will ruin your childhoods is quite the equivalent to suggesting that the movie probably isn't going to be that bad and that the all-female cast is a component in the overreaction.

It's science that makes it do that.

What's weird is that people don't trust Aykroyd these days because of how weird he is—because he's always on about ghosts, aliens, or whatever.

It's basically pointless for movies to try to pull off that kind of twist. You know it's going straight into the trailer or the marketing hype or whatever. Much better to telegraph the cameo early in the movie and let the characters be the ones who are surprised, rather than trying to pull it over on the audience.

I find "Dan Aykroyd says Ghostbusters is going to be good" a lot less crass than "Ponda Baba might be in the next Star Wars movie."

The number of offscreen murders he committed anytime nobody was looking is enough to drive the most optimistic person to suicide.

Just launch the nukes. Fuck it. Doesn't matter where. Launch them all.

More like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turdles, amirite?

This movie is guaranteed to stake out a space somewhere between inoffensive and unremarkable. It boggles the mind that adults can feel even slightly justified in getting this mad about it.

His ghost goes back in time to blow himself.

Ghostbusters fans have already done a far better job of making themselves look terrible than anybody else possibly could.

Remember to thank a veteran of a popular war.

With liberty and just fists for all.

You can't have a meat-eating revolution. That's like Christians having a revolution, or people who like the Big Bang Theory having a revolution.

Boo. Boo this man!

I don't know about you, but I'm giving America a huge middle finger by enjoying my meal on my day off without wringing my hands about it.

At least Hitler was trying to build a nation back up.