Would you look at that.
Would you look at that.
"such indelible films as The Fly, Jurassic Park, and Independence Day."
Couple ideas:
Dude, sociopathy's not even in the DSM anymore.
In fairness to us Michiganders, it is possible that Mr. T has died since the last time we thought to check.
Excuses? No. I believe the word "forgiveness" was specified from the get-go.
I'm still not quite making the connection between this and why it's important for you to carry a grudge against people you've never met, based on personal flaws that don't affect you, to the point where you're arguing with people who are only asking for the simple recognition that everybody has flaws and very few of…
Little-known fact about the bathing suit scene in Casino Royale: they cut a preceding scene in which Bond puts the bathing suit on over his pants, then takes his pants off without taking off the bathing suit.
Science can be political too, but that depends greatly on whether or not you're talking to people whose main interest is in cementing their own moral superiority to the point where it derails the original point completely.
Scientists also once believed that light is transmitted through the luminiferous aether.
Pretty much.
I do buy that there are social forces conspiring to devalue black people's perception of themselves at both a cultural and individual level.
Most people do not see most of the movies that come out in a given year. And there are an awful lot of movies, including prominently marketed movies and movies with ties to well-loved franchises, that don't look good.
Some of the stuff here was handled so abruptly that I have to figure maybe even the writers didn't know it was going to happen until this episode. (Ex. The magnetar, which normally would have had an earlier setup… or a setup at all.) Otherwise, they could have given those things more room to breathe by distributing…
Two things:
*says "Fight me!" in a way that's supposed to come off as tough but comes off as weirdly confused instead*
MC Hammer? Wow, they don't care who they offend!
*Sean O'Neal punches through straw hat*
Shouldn't this have "advertisement" printed in small letters at the top?
*pretends to have just pulled robot cashier out of ass in response to the current wage issue when it's clearly something that had to be in development long before that*