Also a designer, and I agree. The contours are not even the same - the only similarity is that it is a six pointed motif.
Also a designer, and I agree. The contours are not even the same - the only similarity is that it is a six pointed motif.
You can’t copyright free clipart.
“I’ve been afraid of the way marriage often stands for the point at which your life closes in, rather than looks outwards.”
This thread LITERALLY killed me.
Honestly I’ve always considered emojis genderless so I don’t even see the need.
Bet she can’t wait to tell white guys where she’s *really* from in a few years.
thank god. I’m so tired of using that male airplane emoji.
Eh, I sort of agree. In my fiance’s case he was left with no family at all - no aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. to step in after his parents died. His living situation was unstable for a couple of years as a result. And they didn’t pass away unexpectedly, they were sick for years, in and out of hospice care or…
There are quite a few factors that go into it. If insurance pays for it, a minimum amount has to be removed. Also, the surgeon can't go too small without endangering the nipple. Some are far more conscientious about that than others. It has been almost a decade since mine, so I forget the proper terms, but there is a…
I fondly recall being a C back when I was a teenager. C was a nice size: they don’t actively get in your way if you’re sporty, clothing actually fits both bosom and torso, bras have cute dainty straps, you can choose to put them on display rather than them just displaying themselves no matter how modestly you dress,…
I think the Instead cup which you have to get way up there is more of an issue because you could accidentally catch the strings when removing it. I used both with my IUD and didn’t have a problem, but yes they do tell you that you should not. I would just check your strings to make sure it’s still in there.
Ugh, I had a reduction when I was 18, and had to put up with so many patronizing, negative comments about it. Girls asking me to give them my “extra”, and boys knocking me for getting rid of what they considered to be an awesome rack. Never mind that it was getting me constant, unwanted sexual attention and ruining my…
man also want to look perrttyyyyyyy.
Soooo I am a dude, I hade this done was I was 16. I am/was always fairly athletic, so low body fat but when I turned 15 I noticed a growth beneath one of my nipples. Apparently some percent of teenage boys, due to hormones develop breast tissue. Most will simply lose it again as they grow older...but mine lasted a…
I’m a guy with gynecomastia. While I’m fairly secure and comfortable with it now, when I was younger—espeically during high school and college—I would absolutely have had surgery if I could have afforded it. I’ve recently lost quite a bit of weight, which has made it even more apparent, and I’ve been considering…
I wonder if any of the dudes who had breast reduction surgery were contending with 38Is like I do. And yet I still can’t get insurance to pay for the surgery! (I’m sure the men involved also didn’t have insurance coverage. I am merely pouting at being too poor to afford to not have my back kill me.)
I hopped on the Mirena bus as soon as my gynecologist said, “Oh, your insurance company gave you the generic version of the pill? Those have the same active ingredients but only need to be 85% effective.” (Even if that isn’t 100% true, it scared me into the best reproductive decision of my life so I’m cool with it.)…