(Donald Glover :P )
(Donald Glover :P )
Hey, London is great! I just visited London and Paris this past year and I loved it. I hope you had a good time.
Do you have plans to go anywhere else? Countries that don’t share the same language can be intimidating but it’s generally super easy to get by as a tourist with some key phrases and finding helpful locals.
I understand that, I read the article. I also read the article about the woman who had her INSIDES REMOVED when her boyfriend went nuts and murdered her.
I get that not all men at all this, I know many good men. It just makes me so wary that even if she did say yes to this guy, she’d probably have no idea what a…
aw, you’re not all bad. some of my favourite people are men.
but good goddamn does this make me not want to date even more than I already do. People are nuts. INSANE.
Where did you travel to?!
someone write a damn book about Marley Dias
ewwww voicemail
as much as I can agree that HP movies were sub-par at best, HP as a whole in our culture was monumental, and the films were still part of that. People will read the books over and over and most of them will picture these actors.
Obviously I agree they’re all incredible actors who had much more on their resume...but I…
Only the ones of the men who betray me.
Hollywood XXL
Yes but if there is a sign on the door and a dude walks in, you have a better idea of something weird going on that if it’s both dudes and ladies using the same room all the time.
That’s when you ‘randomly’ get a leg spasm and ‘accidentally’ boot the little prick in the face under the stall door.
LOL RIGHT? I constantly use the mens room because 9/10 the womens room is in use. It makes ZERO sense for those doors to have signs unless one of them is for wheelchair use.
I always put it this way.
1/2 bathroom visits, a dude needs the seat down.
2/2 bathroom visits, a chick needs the seat down.
Thefore, 3/4 times that bathroom is used, the seat needs to be down.
Put the fucking seat down.
oh god as soon as I saw the writing, it looks nearly identical to my ex-bfs (also a musician) and it sent a shudder down my spine. EUGH. AND ALWAYS IN SHARPIE wtf
hahaha I’m just imaging a woman going into labour on the elevator and you just standing quietly in the corner with headphones on pretending not to notice.