Ken Yadiggit

I had a VERY surprising reaction to the song “Hey There, Delilah” playing in the supermarket the other day. It almost drove me to tears (not neccessarily because of the merit of the song...lets be real haha) but I hadn’t heard it in the longest while and it instantly brought me back to college, missing my then

You had a good go at it. Thanks for your input.

???? Those are two very different words and one has zero to do with this article

The Cat in the Hat used to give me SO much anxiety as a kid. I did NOT understand the appeal of the Cat at all and empathized far too much with the Fish..


oh my god, this kills me

My cat wakes me up at 5:30 every morning to be fed. She used to do this by patting me on the face with her little paws. When she realized I could just roll over and ignore her, she tried a different tactic.

I now wake up to her paw with a single claw protruded, ever so gently and softly raked down the side of my face.

(babe, your second Viola reference was using the name Davis not Desmond. Just a heads up)

Buffy have a half-finished blog going through every outfit Buffy wore (for the first few seasons anyways) and it was honestly one of the most fun projects I’ve ever worked on. If only I had more time...


Yeh I guess that’s my main point. It’s hard work and our wine making team puts in so much time and effort and love to make quality wine. Someone up thread used the ketchup/well done steak anaology and it’s perfect.

I don’t give a fuck how you drink your wine, once you buy it your money is in our pocket to have fucking

99% of the time, people are wonderful and fun and out to have a great time (even if some of them are supppppper bougie...or know-it-alls, which with the right attitude can be kind funny) but that 1% can just ruin your day. Some people are just determined to be miserable and it kills my buzz maaaan.

Of course it is, and I’ve stated elsewhere that it’s supposed to be drank so drink it duh. But winemakers (and by extension, using the below analogy of ketchup and steak, chefs) work pretty hard at producing something that is supposed to taste a certain way. So I’m just speaking from that perspective. It feels like a

Do you want Hepatitis? Cause that’s how you get Hepatitis.

I’ve dated guys who said they love it because it makes them feel like their dick is too big, and the girl simply cannot handle it all.

I hate public bathrooms anywhere, but my most favourite bathrooms to hate were a) the ones in South Korea that are literally just holes in the floor. and b) the space-pod portapotty things in Paris that have an open/close-lock button very close to the doorway and in a moment of OH MY GOD IM GONNA PISS MY PANTS

yeeeehhh she’s using a lot of buzz words people like to throw around when they visit wineries but have no idea what they’re talking about.

I mean, at the end of the day all that matters is that you enjoy the wine you’re drinking! But it is nice when people appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into making good wine.

Most rosés are actually red wine though...watery rosé is groooooody man.

ouAs someone who works in the wine industry, it sets my teeth on edge. If you HAVE to, I mean, put all the ice in your shitty $5 bottles you want, but if anyone put ice in a really lovely wine I would weep.

My boyfriend puts ice in his red wine and it makes my heart hurt.