watch out for falling iguanas
watch out for falling iguanas
What did you think it was short for!?
For me, I was disappointed it was not an accidental mispelling of Gopher.
The point still stands!
good goddamn if she’s still absolutely gorgeous though.
As a millenial, I love my Gen X friends so dearly. But MAN some of them are fucked right up.
I think people forget that EVERY generation has it’s goofballs. I’ll never understand the harsh criticism on us...or at least. why it seems SO important to boomers.
Because Easter doesn’t make as much money and therefore is not hyped as ultra-important by the media.
Or if you want to be a little less cynical....Easter is a tad MORE religious than Christmas, which can easily be co-opted by non-religious folk as a cheery season of goodwill and celebration.
I legitimately just choked on my coffee, thank you.
thaaaaank you
I just spent like, two hours of my life watching all of Sailor J’s videos the other night. Obsessed.
Been a busy bee! I quit my job after 5 years cause I wanted to throw myself out of my car every morning rather than go in....but unfortunately that is where I spent the majority of my day on the computer and fucking around on Jez.
I started my own photography company and work part time at a winery which I LOOOVE and…
This is perfect.
Almost dying of meningitis and dating my shitty highschool boyfriend.
Honestly the meningitis is the highlight of the two.
fuckin haaaate videos and I’m just on the cusp of “6-second vine video attention span” age.
You know when you go into tiny Avondales or headshops in cities that sell bongs and pipes that say “for tobacco use only”? They probably can’t sell bongs in a weed dispensary because...well...that means you’ll be using it for something thats...technically illegal still?
Depends where you’re from. I’m in wine country in Niagara and fuuuuuck do people love their vino.
It should be a lot easier to get very soon, you’re correct in that.
I just also live in a very small, very Christian-Reform town at the moment and doubt the booming legal pot industry will reach us here.
Oddly enough, I know more drug dealers per square inch of this place than I do in life in general. SMALL TOOWWWNNSSS…
i never knew i needed this in my liiiiife
now, to figure out where in the fuck to find one in a tiny one-starbucks town.
I’m not on the hip train with the kids these days...what’s a pen versus one of those weird Sonic Screwdriver devices I’ve seen people using versus...lord knows what else?
I haven’t been able to smoke weed for years cause it makes me absolutely useless, but I’d love to have an easy and efficient way of getting a tiny…
The bold lip and jewellery combo is killer!