I was confused by two dead actors until I remembered that PSH is dead and now I’m just sad all over again.
I was confused by two dead actors until I remembered that PSH is dead and now I’m just sad all over again.
I’m so glad my prone-to-sleep-talking boyfriend doesn’t venture onto the dark side of things as well. The best thing so far is him telling me, quite clearly and full of conviction, “Ken, the cat can’t answer you back, he doesn’t speak english.”
My mother smells my grandmother’s perfume every now and then. Like she had just walked by and left a whiff. She finds it comforting now, like it’s a sign she’s just stopped by to check in.
It Follows bored the shit out of me and the end was stupid
I did keep looking over my shoulder when I as walking alone for like a week straight afterwards. Thinking about the idea of someone following you constantly with no escape is truly terrifying, to be honest.
The Invitation bored me so bad I fast-forwarded to the end just to see if I was missing out on something and I really was not.
This sounds stupid but I cannot watch The Grudge. Even the gurgling sound she makes sends me into a tailspin of panic and fear and tears.
I just walk right into them. Most of them time they’re not expecting it so they bowl over like a house of cards.
Ehhhhh yeh that’s definitely not customary in Canada.
Generally we just give you a slap on the shoulder and hand you a cold one.
yeeeesh why is that so weird to me
This just made my fucking day
<3 I've always hoped if I had a ghost it would be like Cordy's Dennis.
Sometimes the true, sad or horrific stories are still the scariest. This is most definitely still a shit-your-pants scary story.
Hell. It wanted you to go with it to Hell.
10/10 would bathe in
Fuck yes. I am loving the War of the Worlds meets Losers Club meets Goonies meets fuuuuuckkyeaaaahhh I’M SO EXCITED FOR THIS
My boyfriend and I recently went to Dollarama and came upon an isle that had one side Hallowe’en decor and the other Christmas. It was a sincerely jarring experience but also wonderful because it’s fun to put elf hats on skeletons and hum “This Is Hallowe’en” under your breath while doing so. Two of my favourite…
I smoked some (edit: FARRRR TOO MUCH) of my friend’s father’s medical marijuana and tried to watch Zoolander. Ended up greening out and vomiting for the next three hours.
THEN I decided to drive home. Which I did at about 25 km an hour with my nose pressed to the steering wheel. Thank fuck it was 3am and in the…
Margaret Atwood is Canadian, thankya very much. A fact we are very proud of. She lives in Toronto and my sister often plays sidewalk chicken with her in their neighbourhood.
Margaret always wins.
EDIT: I apologize, I realize you were talking about Ann Dowd!! I agree, her accent is delectable, whatever it is.
teach me your ways. Tegan and Sara were the soundtrack to my soul for years and after The Con it was just like..........nnnnnawww
just a smack of ham and your metabolism will skyrocket!