Ken Yadiggit

LMFAO did you just hashtag MAKE DOOR GREAT AGAIN


but if you relax your eyes you can see a sailboat

I’ve torn ligments in both my knees and it is so painful you can’t even imagine. The worst part of it is that it lasts forever. You can get surgery and scar tissue can form but it’s never the same afterwards. I have to wear a leg brace just to get through a long day at work sometimes, and during all physical activity.

I work at a winery and polish glasses all day, ALL DAY EVERY DAY FOR MONTHS. I realized I had been using the same hand every time (lefty!) and it was uncomfortable due to a cut I had on my finger. I tried to switch hands and I swear it was like I was trying to control a foreign body with just sheer will, my right hand

Am I child for thinking Aer Lingus sounds just dirty enough to giggle at?

Could you imagine the stank in that room?

I feel like we should be really good friends because I love all of this

jesus remember the whole peasant blouse thing? I cringe at my photos from that era

The Shrieking Harridans is the name of my new band

lmfao thank you for the chuckle in the middle of this awful story

whaaaat in the actual fuck is this

They’re probably the type of parents who say things like “We don’t use the word ‘no’ with little Mason-Jar.”

fuck fuck fuck, as someone who has been around horses for more than half her life I am MORTIFIED that anyone would do this. Like, besides the fact that OKAY these people obviously don’t know about the temperament of some horses.....who would put their TODDLER anywhere NEAAAR THIS GIANT ANIMAL? Like, just looking at it

Well I mean, it’s not. It was the juxtaposition of words that kinda caught my fancy in the first place.

Oddly Hot Hobo would be my drag name.

I hang out with a mixed crowd that includes several metal heads and honestly, they are some of the sweetest, funniest, kindest people I know.

It makes me sad that women feel they need to ‘repay’ kindness. Goes to show how little it often happensand the weird disconnect where they don’t realize that, dude, sometimes

My best friend’s nana used to say “about as useful as a chocolate teapot” and I thought that was just the most wonderful turn of phrase.

I’ve been watching EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of UNHhhh since the last article on Drag Race contestants and honest to fucking god I’ve never been so happy to watch pure insanity for 5 hours straight.