Ken Yadiggit

I hang out with a mixed crowd that includes several metal heads and honestly, they are some of the sweetest, funniest, kindest people I know.

It makes me sad that women feel they need to ‘repay’ kindness. Goes to show how little it often happensand the weird disconnect where they don’t realize that, dude, sometimes

My best friend’s nana used to say “about as useful as a chocolate teapot” and I thought that was just the most wonderful turn of phrase.

I’ve been watching EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of UNHhhh since the last article on Drag Race contestants and honest to fucking god I’ve never been so happy to watch pure insanity for 5 hours straight.

I legitimately just coughed up a throat full of coffee upon seeing this.

Wheres the lie.

Dude I’m sorry those girls threw themselves at you after, cause hooooney that’s just as creepy as the 100lb weirdo following them. I really wish that hadn’t happened to you, cause what you did was really amazing.

Honestly though, if you’ve done that for people thank you so much. It’s really scary sometimes and it’s

I think that also depends on the show. AOF shows had probably some of the happiest, best crowds. Everyone was kind to each other and helped one another out. I saw people make a big linked-arm circle around one kid who was trying to find his glasses on the floor. It never felt like an aggressive crowd, which can also

I got groped by this skeezy looking skinhead at a GWAR show a few years back and he just literally would not leave me alone. I’d move to another point in the crowd and he’d follow me and just stand directly behind me and run his hands up and down my sides and across my chest. When the crowds get tight like that,

I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again, none of that script sounded even remotely like something he’d write, ESPECIALLY with a character like Wonder Woman. He’s a piece of shit human, but that doesn’t mean he can’t write. And literally none of it sounded even remotely close to his style or MO.

I just wish people

Yehhhh while I completely believe Joss Whedon is a pile of garbage human, the main point being made is that he is a talented writer and creator of women-centric shows....while also being a cheating and manipulative asshole.

The Wonder Woman script is nowhere NEAR his writing style or MO. I think the guy is a dcik but

While I completely agree that Widow’s storyline was eyerollworthy in Ultron, the first Avengers when Loki called her that she was using the fact that she could very well come across as a weak and fragile woman during his big speech only to try and get information out of him. That entire scene was an

YESSSSS I’ve been watching Preacher lately and Ruth Negga is my new “I don’t know if I want to love you or BE you” crush. She’s incredible.

I just had it last month and honestly it hurt more peeling it off than the entire tattoo did itself hahaha but really great, way better than the gauze pads they used to use.

ahhhh those are so lovely!

I just turned 27 and recently went through the last year where I was going almost a month without brushing my teeth and showering, just washing my hair to look semi-presentable to family members.

I am long past school and have been working for just under the last decade...but I STILL have moments of pure panic thinking I have homework or something I need to finish when I get home. It’s fucking terrible, just a wave of sickness thinking that I’ve forgotten to finish something to hand in.

Then I remember that

fucking cat people.

Her jeans are hella comfy and most of the clothing line fits well. Like....normal shaped humans not weird “size 14!” that magically wont fit over my calves.

Fuck I was in sears and saw a really nice dress, and I was stoked cause I was looking for something just exactly like it. I picked it up to look at the size and saw her name and immediately just dropped it back on the rack. Sucks cause one in a million of her items are nice but fuccckkkkk that naaaame

SAME. But honestly, while she may be the reason I started watching, she’s definitely not the reason I KEPT watching. Everyone on the cast is so frickin good.