
To help support your statement I went looking for any relevant information. Best I could do is that of the last 30 articles, 2 were about influencers, about 7%. I couldn’t figure out a way to get that to work for you, but maybe you’re more creative then I am. Good luck!

As a middle aged man let me go ahead and let you in on a secret - all media and content isn’t targeted specifically at you, and things you aren’t aware of are popular with millions of people all over the world.  This trend will continue.

As long as they are in distant third place behind Nintendo and Sony, this won’t be the case. The only time it would make sense to cut exclusives off is when you are in a dominant market position and don’t want to allow your competitor a leg up. Sony is so far ahead of Microsoft this generation that the dynamic will

Unfortunately, I’m not petty enough to hang on to this comment/screenshot for a console generation/decade or however long it takes to Be Right Online, no matter how much I do enjoy it.

....I don’t think anyone cares?

If it’s enough to have a visible effect on the market and consumers, it’s already too much.

See, I fully agree this is gonna be bad for the industry in the long-term, but I also don’t think Microsoft has any reason to make the major Activision games console exclusives anytime soon.

Mental health issues are generally conferred by the genetic lottery or brought on by a momentous event (often traumatic). People don’t choose mental illness.

Racism is consciously taught and reinforced by the structures of society. People choose to be racist (even if they don’t always realize they’re making the

Because Microsoft will make them available on PC, SteamDeck, ROG Ally, and pretty much ever phone, and tablet in the world via streaming! So it DOES give tremendously more access!


They literally have the same system, It’s only the software that differs and MS is ahead of Sony there so they got nothing to loose. And unless Sony is set on breaking backwards compatibility then they’ll go with an AMD chipset again for PS6 so it’s a 99% chance the upcoming systems will be the same once more.

Well that’s part of the problem, I don’t know how algo based Twitch is versus YouTube, but you very much have to keep the pace of content up of get fucked by the algo. Hell the algo is 100% the reason behind the “YouTube” face.

I’m gonna say yes and leave it at that.

going for broke by implying Tifa might actually die

It’s one of the strange things about games that give you endless creativity... people will use that “creativity” to create things that already exist.

That’s what his wife said.

We’ll judge that when the last part releases in 2047. 

Because the Republican leadership is so desperate to get its voters to pivot away from Donald “Belongs in Gitmo” Trump — who they know will be an unmitigated disaster — that they’ll throw money and a microphone to literally anyone who can engage the deranged and depraved people who make up the Republican voting base

Another parent not taking responsibility for their kids actions.

I mean that by, don’t connect your credit card and let them spend without your approval