
...and yet here you are. You clicked on it. It worked.

Jesus, you realize that the PC master race stereotype was satire and not a handbook, right? What a miserable worldview - not only are you denying yourself incredible gaming experiences due to an incredibly arbitrary technicsl cutoff point, your sneering attitude towards other people just enjoying their hobby only

I mean, all I care about really is if a game is fun.

is this satire

Exactly. Seems most people don’t realize this fact nowadays

Games are toys. Sorry you don’t feel that way.

Better hardware might make it prettier or run a little smoother, but it’s the same game either way. My enjoyment of it likely won’t change in the slightest. 

I’m not sure what that statement has to do with “hate.”

I’m not sure it’s limited to PC gamers; we’ve always had people who have prioritized graphics over anything. Just look at the arguments about the PS1 versus the N64, even. Though nowadays I do feel like the 60-FPS-or-bust crowd has gotten louder and louder. Like, I can see the difference between 30 and 60 FPS most of

Wait...people are surprised? Of course Nintendo wasn’t going to fuck around with Zelda.

It’s all about the games. I’ve barely touched our PS5 because I really don’t enjoy traditional AAA games. My Switch, however? I play that sucker constantly. I play a ton of indies and Nintendo first-party, and it’s awesome having them on the go.

It’s as if there is a large gaming population around the world that doesn’t care about powerful hardware and super high-definition graphics.

Are you an industry plant? “Yeah, it’s bad in every way, but c’mooooon, that’s just the game industry, baybee.”

There’s expecting perfection, and then there’s expecting a game to be released in a form that could somewhat justify paying that price tag. There’s a line representing that level, and while it may vary from person to person, this game by the vast majority of accounts did not reach it, and the reason being is the fact

I mean, yeah, most people can’t wait to play Zelda at 20 fps with no antialiasing at sub-1080p resolution. Most people don’t care about that shit if the game is good.

Same thing as the  movie industry. No middle ground anymore. It’s either massive bloated blockbusters or tiny no budget indies. This is just the endpoint of how capitalism works in media nowadays and it’s not going to change until there’s a massive crash in the industry. 

There seems to be a growing perception that every AAA game must be a forever-game with 60+ hours of busy-work over a highly replayable game.

I want to leave behind this weak flesh and have a metal body with multi rockets in my shoulders and a railgun on my fingers.

Incels: *Cry about being involuntarily celibate*

Honest answer?