
Goku’s many, many deaths.

How about we...oh I dont know...let women do what they want and stop trying to police them? Radical idea I know...

The thing about competitive trash-talk is that it comes in “levels.” Those levels are divided into what’s appropriate amongst friends who know each other well enough to be able to accept a barb without taking offense, mixed groups of friends and acquaintances where more care is warranted, groups of strangers where

The anime doesn’t follow the manga they’re kind of a parallel production, the manga is actually radically different and better then the anime.

In bed? He’s on KFC bucket number two by 6:30.

I don’t care if it’s Martin Luther King Day.

I’ve always wondered who Vader’s dad was.

100x this.

The short version is that prior to being patched with a smidgen of extra expository content, the story contained so many gaps, jumps, and “fuck it, you either watched the anime, the movie, and read the promo materials or you just won’t get it” shit that it came off as a mishmash of ideas that had to be crammed into a

I mean, it does kind of speak of priorities considering the story was a tremendous clusterfuck.

Also “ I have friends from shithole countries, so not racist”

No, they’ll just keep talking about the actions of President Hillary Clinton.

I have no problem if every single film ever made is filtered through a feminist ideology by critics, so long as that’s done in good faith and not just used as a lazy means to bash the movie. Too often it’s used as a shortcut to just complain generically about stuff, and that shortchanges feminism AND the film.

Millennials are so darn silly. Unlike Boomers who are strong and powerful.

Who still cares?

I was enjoying Trails in the sky, but then i hit this super homophobic character moment. Im sure the game is amazing, but that really was a roadblock for me.

Sorry, this is just a version of whataboutism.


White women don’t notice this when they are in it because this is what our friends look like, this is what most of our world looks like. This is not an anomaly worth noting. This is why diversity is so important at every level, in every aspect of every industry; and diversity can’t stop at a handful of well-known