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Crazy how AMVs have come along way from simply having music playing along a collection of scenes, to professionally edited videos.

Even if there are only ten thousand active users, destroying that user value should be avoided if possible”, he says. “Your company suffers more harm when you take away something dear to a user than you gain in benefit by providing something equally valuable to them or others.”

I imagine it’s less about avoiding it happening in the first place, and more like avoiding it on their official platforms.

You’re probably right? Though I think an actual Jesus Christ would absolutely take aim at the systems that be, rather than become a social media influencer.

1. Again. Did not say that. Like at all. Criticizing someone does not mean I think they are the son of satan.

2.  Holy smokes that it is such a misuse of that meme that I”m kinda impressed.  Good job!

It’s the narcissism.  The need to be liked and have power no matter what.

1. No. Stop it.

But none of that really works unless you’re selling a Call of Duty or Assassin’s Creed that is sure to sell gangbusters.  All of what you said is just more costs down the drain if said game doesn’t become a mega hit.  

I’ve heard this before...and yeah I don’t buy that he’d be broke without the spectacle. As others has mentioned he was making bank with his burger joints, and he’s absolutely making way more money than he gives out thanks to advertisers. Because anything other than that, or what you suggest, is absolutely

Yeah I agree with this. You can’t beat the problems of capitalism with capitalism. And a system that ensures Mr. Beast stays rich while helping people is one that won’t actually ever fix these problems. I think if Beast was super serious about addressing some of these things, then maybe he should be open to using his

Yeah.. no controversy here. I mean yeah, Seth Rogen is just playing Seth Rogen—but that’s why you’d hire Seth Rogen. And it kinda fits with DK anyways.

Like the kneejerk “WHY NOT HIRE TALENTED VAS” pearl clutching is kind of dumb for a number reasons.  One of which is, even though Seth Rogen is just playing Seth Rogen,

Yeah I’ve seen youtube comments of teachers saying their male students are regurgitating shit they hear from the likes of Andrew Tate or Kanye West.  Tate in particular is dangerous precisely because he figured out how to game the algorithims to ensure his videos would reach as many people as possible.

It should not be a foregone conclusion that a dad will lose custody in the divorce. Men should have more resources to help prevent suicide. Male victims of domestic abuse should be treated seriously. Men should not be forced to serve in the milirary exclusively on the basis of gender. Male nurses should not face


I No. Absolutely not. Not even fucking close. When you have the likes of Kendrick, JID, and NAS—all of whom put bangers this year, in addition to a bunch of new talent, yeah Eminem isn’t in the conversation

But back in the late 90s to early 00s.  You could absolutely make an argument for him being the GOAT.  

This guy was really out here publicly sharing his pimping method as if it’s a life hack and he still managed to get this notorious before he got arrested? I can’t get my head around it.”

Yeah.  It’s just funny to point it out.  Basically it was probably the video itself that pointed him out to authorities.

Black men are better rappers than White men, ect, ect, ect.

I don’t know how you or anyone got the impression that gamers are less likely to be “Turned off” by violence than non-gamers, popular TV and Film is *full* of violence. You mention Game of Thrones alone like 3-4 times in the second paragraph, was that TV show violent? John Wick, is that film series Violent? Did John

just because the person is a YouTube personality or whatever the hell Logan Paul is.”

Unfortunately it really is as simple as that: He’s famous and makes things that I like, therefore he’s innocent and actually there’s a worldwide conspiracy that are trying to put him down!

There’s something emotionally empty in