
Kiwifarms, however offensive, existed to hold a mirror up to the strange, notable, and sometimes criminal, people of the internet, those people are the people who have taken it down.”


bruh.  Like full on saying the quiet part out loud.

haha what?  Do you have any self-awareness?

I was really hoping this to be satire.

Also: It really sounds like you’re not aware that 21st Century Fox and Fox News are two separate entities owned by two separate owners. Like literally Wikipedia in its first paragraph mentions that Disney owns 21st Century Fox, while Fox News (part of Fox Corp) is owned by the Murd

boy that is some big “I will fight for the right for Nazis to have their say” energy

I’d say it’s more apt with the sequel given how the lead developer was all “we had devs feeling nauseous from what they were making, so sick!”

Right...which is why an old man lies to a little girl at the end of the game.

This.. All of this.

as some morally righteous group

It’s important to note that the whole purpose of movies like these are not to break into the mainstream or convince people onto your side. It’s to keep conservatives in within an insular community filled with media that reinforces extreme ideology, like the many christian films before them. A leftist gaming site

Is it though? A bunch of people who are just going to shit talk your movie? A real win with for MAGAverse that is.

because I guess allowing misinformation to roam free without any pushback is totes better.


Well the difference between WoW and Destiny is that WoW is not a looter shooter. Destiny is. It’s comparing apples and oranges.

to be into Destiny you basically have to have been into Destiny pretty consistently the whole time.”

I don’t know if that’s true. I only really got into Destiny with the Forsaken expansion, and I just bounce around, take breaks, and play when I want to. I never felt like I was missing out on anything.

With that said,

I mean they clearly had those plans for Destiny 1 + 2 (I imagine you meant Destiny 3), and those problems still happened. I mean how Destiny 1 was in development for close to 10 years, and still had issues of lacking content. I don’t think it has anything to do with “long laid plans” and more of “its the nature of the

See, I don’t really agree with that, and I think that’s a problematic attitude to have. There was a period where I did heavily play D2, but I honestly only put in about an hour of gameplay each time. I never felt like I was missing out on anything, and I never felt like I was being forced to do anything I didn’t want

That and “you know what? you don’t even need a console to play our games, bruv” is absolutely a vicious take that.

I’d argue that the points you make specifically make the Steam Deck harder to use for a mainstream audience. Like it’s easy to forget, but people who care about this stuff are an extreme minority. Try explaining it to the average person, and they’ll look at you like you’re speaking Latin.

There is nothing simpler than

I can’t help but feel like Bungie passed, rightly or not, on some opportunities for more creative mechanics. Sea of Thieves this is not, and while the Master difficulty will keep players on their toes, there’s little to think about outside the standard prioritization of add clearing and boss DPS phases (also boss