man I remember being a kid and thinking “OH WOW SO MATURE!!!”
man I remember being a kid and thinking “OH WOW SO MATURE!!!”
Granted I’m cautious. Because if you’ve gamed long you know that “mature” usually just means a lot of blood and cursing. Though this quote:
Seriously. Everyone gets an L.
The problem is that that’s not how the many people took the trial. The level of glee and derision leveled at Heard were not from those looking to make the case that men can be abused. It was absolutely that many of them enjoyed a traditionally attractive woman being taking down a peg. And I can say that while…
True story: you can think Amber Heard is a piece of shit while also recognizing that everything surrounding that trial was gross and toxic. It had nothing to do with “justice” and had all to do with getting revenge for the me-too movement.
Here’s the thing? Yeah, you’re not wrong. But I’m also at a point where I believe that rather than asking the government to do something about it or waiting to be saved, that gamers themselves need to take it upon themselves to make some of this work for us. Not everyone who gambles is a gambling addict: you need…
it’s the paradoxical notion of “freedumb” I should do what I want because I am wealthy, but also the poors need to abide by the law. It’s stupid because of course it is. Anyone thinking that the man who became the most famous cuck in America, has any values other than getting paid is deluding themselves.
Does it? a big issue with REMAKE is that it operates on a “more is better” philosophy. I mean I don’t really care about Dirge of Cererus because it’s Dirge of FUCKING Cerberus, but every thing it adds to the characters are so superficial and ultimately meaningless because it doesn’t change anything of the central…
was a metaphor FOR the rabid playerbase that demands everything be exactly what they want?
But that’s kinda what happens in FF7 Remake proper? Things just sort of happen with little rhyme or reason. Hell that’s pretty much what’s so baffling about the cliff-hanger and why people claim its very Kingdom Hearts esque. It’s all nonsense and its up to us to try and make sense of it.
the story no longer has to follow the plot of FF7.
But they didn’t tell a new story. Most of the game is pretty much just the first act of FF7 with minor changes that don’t actually change the main plot progression. Even with the spirits and Sephiroth showing up a bit earlier, for the most part you are still playing main story beats.
I also don’t really buy the whole “REMAKE challenges what it means to be a remake” hype because, well, for like 90% of the game it’s pretty much just the first act of FF7.
I would be mighty surprise if they go full on sequel and just make an all new story line. But I don’t think they’re gonna do it. Square knows that that’s not what people are coming to this game for, so I imagine that Rebirth will be a lot like Remake: it’ll be, for the most FF7, but stuff here and there will…
You know what all this reminds me of? The Nintendo Wii. We’re years away from it, but holy hell was there a segment of the gaming population screeching that it would ruin games. Add in walking simulators or feminism. Anything that possibly might take games away from “gamers” is evil and needs to die.
Apparently there is an ending ND had where the game does end in San francisco. So its possible TLOU1 initially did play it straight.
I see your point and I largely agree with you. A big issue with TLOU1 is that, for all intents and purposes, it is very much a typical zombie story with Joel as the typical anti-hero who…
But that’s an overly simplistic portrayal of the themes that TLOU1 is trying to say. To say that “Joel is in the right because the fireflies were mean to him” completely misses the morality play at work here. Both parties believed they are in the right. And let’s be honest: Joel is largely king asshole throughout…
Man...I kinda like this point.
kay. Again why can’t people do both? Have I missed some news in which Microsoft intends to replace all game purchases via Game Pass?
I think I’m circulating more on your point, which I guess comes down to the idea that streaming services are diluting the quality of product. Which in response to that: nah? It’s like the…
Dude...your whole position is fucking wild. Because it hinges on the idea that people can’t “do both things”: Purchase a subscription to a rental service to try out games, and pay for games that you absolutely want or know you’re going to finish. I do not see the issue with this. I’d argue that its far more better to…