
She’s also wife of an heir and mother of the heirs, Andrew is now 8th in line to the throne. He is only still relevant because his mother has lived so long. 

Absolutely both. Andrew has always been a source of embarrassment for the Royals since the early 90s. He’s had very dodgy business dealings, he’s been accused of selling access and facilitating very morally bad deals for the Saudis. Where as Edward does what the spares of a monarch should do (despite failing out of

Unless you live there and want to stay there and get priced out of using everything in the area as it gentrifies. That and all your friends who don’t own get priced out as rents rise. etc etc

“I got angry because she yelled”
“I got angry because she said no”
“I got angry because she ignored me”

I agree with Kathy. I guess the flight attendant wanted to spare a girl travelling alone a confrontation but I would have liked her to say “sure sir, come to the front of the plane” then when he got up there, say “sir please alight the aircraft, we do not accept this racism on our flights”.

My friend did wine on the table during dinner then £500 behind the bar til it ran out, but luckily it didn’t run out because it was a small reception.

tech bros can think that automation and algorithms will fix the future but they never take into account that people make the computers and the programmes and their bias is implicit in those machines and algorithms too.

I’m starting to think the only thing to do is punish the collective until they see why they need to police their own.

The concept that “good cops” would be willing to let innocent people go to prison and let criminals stay on the streets to protect bad cops is why I can’t believe there are many good cops. 

look at tv shows about cops, films about cops. It’s all multiple shooting events in months. Everyone is a danger and every cop a hero. When really most cops never fire their weapons, will never be in a situation they will need to, but their training and society tell them that every civilian is a threat, instead of

Very basic set up of the sketch. Just make him a tank officer or something.

I just decided not to watch any of the British accent sketches as I am yet to see a good one attempted on SNL. I stopped the Words of War sketch after the premise is that a 1944 British fighter pilot would be in France as British fighter pilots were almost exclusively stationed on bases in the UK.

He got 12.5 years. From everything that came out in both trials, both sentences were too low. She burst into a man’s apartment and shot him dead without asking him a single question. He shot an unarmed civilian while on duty for no good reason (across his partner too). They both should have got more.

a bit different having one grandparent from a country though. This lad is Dutch born and raised.

Hard to think of it as a defection when realistically the kid should have been playing in the Dutch unders teams instead.

the world cup will be fuller because it’s a football world cup and there are far more football fans who follow their nations than atheltics fans. But everything else you’ve said is correct. It’s a fucking joke.

I’m glad they considered it and saw it was bullshit. How does she have castle doctrine when it wasn’t her home or even a place she was legally in. She was already committing trespass when she shot him.

I have no sympathy for this woman. I just mean, whether she genuinely feels guilty or not doesn’t matter to her guilt in a court of law.

To me if her tears are genuine or not doesn’t matter. She can be genuinely remorseful and feel guilty as fuck that doesnt change whether she is guilty in the eyes of the law. She shot a man in his own home. 

Funny i’ve never got racist when drunk...