
The facts are that this shooting doesn’t happen if he didn’t carry to begin with. You guys over there have a constitutional right to have a gun and he legally held his but it’s still the reason he is dead. The cops were wrong to shoot him but as you say they will say they had a split second to make the decision. If

After a kid of played for Juventus under 17's died they instituted heart screenings for all their players down to youth level and although it ended a few careers before they began it may well have saved those young men’s lives

Yep, it’s unfortunate but it’s not rare by any means. Sometimes people don’t know anything is wrong and then their heart stops. It happens to very fit people, people die during and after marathons all the time.

Not a chance in hell he hasn’t done this before.

Trespassing for being in a public building. Jesus, just get more seats

I think the kind of person who wants to be a prosecutor mostly doesn’t have a soul. A few really good eggs want to do it to make things fair but it’s like 0.001%

Whenever people say “health and safety gone mad” I think about the story my colleague told me about the day he found a 17 year old colleague dead under some equipment because the kid had been told to clean it with highly toxic solvents. Regulation came in that made them illegal and companies stopped using them. Sure,

Fucking Jeffrey Dahmer served his country. Gary Ridgeway served in Vietnam. for fuck sake Timothy McVeigh served in the first Gulf War, he was decorated too. Doesn’t change them all being fucking murderers.

You have to be smart at Ikea. Somethings are superb quality and value. Some are not.

Shooting someone who is running away from you in a crowded mall filled with people running from a gunshot is at best reckless and at worst murder. I truly believe the cop shot who he wanted to shoot but had he missed he could have hit and killed multiple people too.

I think the argument they are using is that that was IN the stadium, where you expect the team to control the fans. That’s the excuse.

I’ve got some pretty big fucking feelings about seeing Arsenal fans being angry about this when I know a good number of them continued their anti-semitic bullshit during the game. I know this because I have a season ticket and get to sit in it as they call Spurs, Yids and Jews. It’s time to move on from this shit,

One kid in the article said basically if it wasn’t on the ACT he didn’t know it. They only really seem to teach the college application age kids the ACT over and over.

One kid in the article said basically if it wasn’t on the ACT he didn’t know it. They only really seem to teach the college application age kids the ACT over and over.

Only if you want to enrage tensions between fans even more. You have to let the teams play and one team win or it becomes a much bigger argument piece forever.

No mate, that’s a River Plate fan in a River Plate shirt.

Jezebel did a piece called “Never the Man You Know” after the ex-judge/current Mayoral employee murdered his ex-wife in Cleveland.

Any contact with outsiders can kill them as they have no immunities to any germs. Their history with outsiders is one of their people being grabbed and kidnapped then those people either died or were returned to them very ill, killing others with infection. That’s self defense. There are around 100 of them. They have

Speeding should be a civil matter unless you are driving dangerously (ie going really fucking fast like she did). It should only become criminal when people drive without licenses or dangerously.

I love this argument that everyone was better in their day. Well my mum tells stories of torturing one of her teachers into a mental breakdown, of bunking off to drink at 14, of being basically the eepitomey of dickish teen. You wanna know what she grew up to be? A Principle.