
My partner is like this. He doesn’t fight. He just waits for me to work through my anger. He listens patiently and supportively. When I’ve expelled my emotions, he says what he thinks and feels calmly. I have a history of abusive relationships, both familial and romantic, so his approach works best for me.

You see the Brett Kava-nope expression on his face at 0:11, as he closes in for that killer move, guaranteed to make all his 55 year old bros high five. To him, her ass was a golden opportunity to be king of the kegger. It’s just locker room talk, with hands!

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

Additionally, in a statement to CBS News, Callaway’s lawyer stated that he, “did not act with any criminal intentions” and that “Tommy is a loving husband and father.” Of course, how much he loves his wife and children is irrelevant to Callaway’s inability to keep his hands to himself. And besides, Bozarjian isn’t

Didn’t hear her say he committed to monogamy.  Feels like denial...

Oddly, my brother and his first wife did get that advice! They’d done counseling (started with secular and then she pushed for religious counseling). They were at an impasse with two young kids and were on the verge of arguing in front of them. Both counselors recommend they separate so they could co-parent without

The New England Patriots were accused of spying!! [TMZ]

That story was way less interesting than the headline promised. I was thinking maybe they brought in some priests to exorcise the cheating demons (cheatons?) from Offset. “The Power of Christ compels you not to cheat!”

I feel like any religious-based marriage counseling, particularly from those who aren’t qualified, will only want couples to stay together no matter what.

Lol Cardi. Even the pope could not stop Henry VIII from being a dog.

I’m guessing that former press secretary has a lifetime supply of smelling salts and pearls.

That Ellen interview is devilishly awkward.  Yum.  Though, I’ve always found Ellen to be a pretty bad interviewer who manages to cross the line each time on her humor and wit.

Sure, but “exhaustion and dehydration” has always been code for O.D. or mental breakdown. Everyone knows that, it’s like when someone says they’re going to powder their nose when they’re really have to pee. It’s a way to inform people what’s going on without being too blunt

“T.I. deserves a pineapple up his ass” is the laugh I didn’t know I needed today, so thank you.

It wasn’t about you being in the exam room or not, dumbass!

Ethically, if you’re a gyn faced with a lunatic parent like this, is it a better choice to:

A: Explain that this isn’t how hymens work and “virginity” doesn’t have any real meaning in medicine, or
B: Tell him “Yes sirree, that freshness seal is still intact, nothing to worry about here!”

I feel like B is grosser but

Beyond disappointed that 1) they even gave him this platform, 2) they were so soft on his ass and 3) that Tiny was there instead of Deyjah’s biological mom.

If he and Don Jr. met under different circumstances, I think they’d have been best friends. 


How on earth does such a skeevy, gross dude keep attracting so many women?