
This article is resonating with me in a way. I am personally going through an extremely hard time right now (terminally ill parent) and I am leaning on my friends more than I ever have before. However, I have an awareness of my extra neediness and am also trying to balance my friend’s needs from me with their lives

hot take

Ohhhh yeah, this. One of the ways I establish whether the answer to “can I vent/complain/rant/get advice” is going to be “yes” is whether I’ve gotten a really good sense of this person’s character, whether my advice is going to apply to them, whether I need to tread lightly to avoid inadvertently offending them, etc.

Exactly. Your true friends are always going to be willing to support you, but true friendship means that support goes both ways. By asking first if your friend has the emotional bandwidth to listen to you at that moment, you’re showing that you understand it takes time and focus and energy to engage and you don’t want

I don’t know, man. I think it’s also part of friendship to realize that if you have something to share that has a lot of emotional charge to it, it might not always be a good time for that. Especially if you have the type of friendship where the response to that goes beyond lol omg wtf reactions and into really

Ehh, I find the term useful in exactly the texting scenario you describe, in consciously using it to decide if I’m genuinely friends with a person or not. If my reaction to a given person is, like yours, “YES!!!!!” then it means I do want to be friends with that person and it’s probably a case of equal footing and

The plague pops up pretty regularly all over the world. New Mexico seems particularly susceptible for some reason. It is easily treated with antibiotics. No big deal.

I too find jeans unflattering.

Et tu, Jeff?

The role of Royal Goop has already been claimed by Princess Martha Louise of Norway. She is friends with Paltrow and is dating a shaman within Paltrow’s inner circle.

All of these people are simply finding their own ways to leverage the monarchy to achieve their own goals, whatever they may be. Which is probably what any of us would do if we had intentionally put ourselves in a similar position, as they have, but it doesn’t change the fact that they are basically doing business.

The Royal family is about as modern as the Pope is cool. All William and Harry did differently was pick their own wives. Those wives completely transformed their lives to fit into royalty while the men did nothing to change theirs. So THAT didn’t really change.

Meanwhile, the royal-friendly British press has been pumping out countless articles in the last 6 months about an Andrew & Fergie remarriage, in order to inundate the public with a fabricated late-life romance - or re-romance, as it were - to offset the actual news of Andrew’s behavio[u]r.

The idea of a monarchy at all is archaic so all of that wealth, prestige and privilege that was accumilated for doing nothing should be rejected if they really want to modernize anything.

I question the premise of the article’s contention (encouraged by Harry & Meghan at every opportunity) that they’re modernizing the monarchy. Kate & William have been undertaking that modernization since Meghan was a relatively unknown actress blogging about “Princess Kate” on the Tig. Their warmth, accessibility, and

I think people focus less on Andrew because they know he’s not going to jail. He’s old, royal, rich - he’s gonna be fine and dandy. Maybe he won’t get invited to socials anymore, but it’s not like they’re going to lock him away in the tower to rot. Meghan and Harry are dynamic, things are happening, things are

I think you’d be hard pressed to find a juror who would be sympathetic to their claim that they didn’t know they were paying a bribe, that they truly believed it was a half million dollar “donation”. With each new sentencing of a player in this case, the prosecutor is probably hoping to scare them into taking a plea

I also noticed that Topher is building a similar building with his magnets, destroying it in a similar way to how the building on Mars collapses.

We’re 2 episodes in to a 9 episode season. I’m guessing subversions will reveal themselves in time, after normalcy has been established. (Much like the comics didn’t start really getting into deconstructing tropes until a few issues in.)

It’s such a great little detail that they got Cheyenne to play the Hooded Justice in Ryan Murphy’s superhero biopic. As someone who read Watchmen years ago, and currently watches American Horror Story, it’s such a weird, fun mindfuck to see a Ryan Murphy “American ____ Story” biopic show about historical events that