It doesn't even compare. The search for Sophia plays into key themes in the series and the conflict between Shane and Rick's philosophies on surviving in this environment. Kim and the Cougar was just dumb.
It doesn't even compare. The search for Sophia plays into key themes in the series and the conflict between Shane and Rick's philosophies on surviving in this environment. Kim and the Cougar was just dumb.
X-Men: Late Registration
She would have been perfect, especially for the first X-Men films. Since she's turned it down, they should get Zoe Saldana.
The article did seem to notice other dinosaur movies. From the article...
It's not that JP is the origin, it's that it's the current reference point to our understanding of dinosaurs.
Idiocracy. Just me just put that out there.
They did dip into that zombie well a few too many times.
Wow. People are taking this way too seriously.
Anyone who does that little skipping thing in the corner like he does when the woman starts chasing him does not deserve to be a "superhero."
Basically, every planet has its own Adam and Eve. They start out in paradise and perfection and it's their choice to f' it up. Keep in mind that this is science fiction.
CS Lewis covered this in his Space Trilogy ([]). in a nutshell, Jesus' salvation was intended for humans because this world and its sentient inhabitants got corrupted. No salvation was needed for other worlds or beings, so by that explanation, Klingons are OK.
I'm wondering how kids who are watching the Clone Wars series will react when they find out the rest of the story on Anakin.
Why get this when you can get the Asus Transformer or Slider?
I've been calling for this for the longest time, Netflix taking a dearly departed show and extending it for another season or two. I'm sure I'm not the only one though. This is great news! Even for a smaller set of episodes, this would be an awesome deal for Netflix. It would also be cool (and possibly more…
NBC. 'nuff said.
They don't. They just watch the clips on Youtube. This one probably won't get past the tech blogs.
After the Kindle Fire announcement, we should be expecting quite a few more of these news items, as manufacturers start dropping their tablet lines. They're getting beat up from above by Apple and now capped at the knees by Amazon.
Teller is silent, so he must be some sort of ninja. P&T FTW.