
I tuned out of Falling Skies pretty quickly because it seemed like things got too comfortable too quickly. This was the same feeling I had for Jericho and after a while, Voyager. No sense of desperation or impending doom like what was portrayed so well in BSG.

How about those fungus that turns ants into zombies? ([]) or the nematode that turns you into something resembling a tasty snack ([])?

Or Nathan Fillion in an Ant-Man costume

That would be awesome, or having someone in a Batman suit run around the IM3 set. Minds would be blown.

This reminds me of another historical adaptation called Springtime for Hitler. Someone check the insurance on this movie.

Mark of the Beast!

If he wasn't a DC Comics character, I would have sworn that he was a member of Alpha Flight.

An American remake NEVER HAPPENED.

I didn't even think about that, but isn't Godzilla the exception to every rule?

I've learned not to trust any sci fi movie with "vs" in the title.

Wasn't this the inspiration for the Final Destination series?

Too bad Kat Dennings already plays a character in the Marvel Movie Universe. She was in Thor as Nathalie Portman's sassy friend.

Maybe they should add Wonder Woman to the Avengers, since DC doesn't know what to do with her.

Maybe someone should start a campaign to get Netflix to pick up the movie.

I don't know why, but seeing that kid's face made me think of this...

That protective glass? Also vaguely important.

Here you go for later in the charts:

The difference here is that they're not relying on a government agency to get the job done. Unless there's a major penis measuring contest between nations (like the Cold War) going on, business ventures have historically had more success with exploration and innovation, especially when there's massive profit involved.

This will probably just result in a small change to the ending where the Mandarin wins. That's all.

Tupac is rap's Elvis. Like Elvis, rumors have persisted that he isn't dead, so maybe that "hologram" story is just a cover.