Power Pack would be interesting and apt. How about the Young Avengers?
Power Pack would be interesting and apt. How about the Young Avengers?
I didn't think I'd be defending Ugg, but here goes.
I can see Marvel positioning Runaways as their YA offering especially after the success of Hunger Games. Maybe Ant Man?
Aren't personal attacks on other commenters against policy? Let's stay civil.
"America is a pretty cool country to live in that has a decent amount of freedoms and a nice quality of life" while nice to portray (I'd like that to be our future), is kinda boring for story material. There's no drama or or creative tension to work with there.
If it's any consolation, Prometheus is going to do extremely well. Do you know why? It's because it's being sold well. The trailers are awesome and make you want to learn more about the movie. John Carter? No. The trailers made everyone who didn't know about the books (i.e most people), scratched their heads and…
I'm just waiting for the io9 post critiquing his archery and/or beard grooming technique.
I think people have grown accustomed to action movies where "ordinary" people are thrown into a life and death situations and somehow they instantly become experts with guns and fighting. I don't think real life works like this, and I think that's what they're trying to show with this series.
I hated Lori in the comics, and I hate her on the TV too. It's been a pretty faithful translation of her character so far.
If this is based on the Ultimate Hawkeye, then form doesn't matter. The guy can flick a fingernail at you and kill you.
I Am Legend went downhill not when the zombie/vampires showed up, but when the other normal people showed up. They then decided to see how far the suck can go by screwing up the ending. The original ending (spoiler alert....) with the zombies just wanted to get back one of their own, harkened back to the original…
All we need now are steampunk vampire zombie Princesses and this meme is complete.
Add Donald Glover and Dani Pudi to this wishlist. Hell, just redo Ghostbusters with the entire cast of Community.
I would have liked to have seen Henry Pym doing his Giant-Man thing and the Wasp in this movie, not only for their characters, but for added dysfunction (domestic superhero violence!). The Black Panther would have been a great addition too and with his own offshoot movie potential.
(Recycling my comment from the last time this movie was referenced in io9.)
I just find it funny that we're debating "whitewashing" in a movie that will be called "Bleach"
Actually, Lou Dobbs does speak for Fox News, as does Ed Schultz for MSNBC and any of the other talking heads on those networks. Otherwise you would see an "opinions expressed by so and so do not reflect the views of..." disclaimer at the end of their broadcasts like you see at the end of infomercials on those same…
Do you know why this movie is having so much trouble being marketed? It's because it shouldn't have been made. The story was great for people in the early 20th century, but today's audience just can't relate to it. They should have left it alone.
Dancing, seriously?