
@Ham_Sandwich: I'll help you along with a heart and promotion. Stick around. You'll see that it's worth it.

The picture above makes it look a little silly but check out the video on Engadget of the unit in tablet mode. Looks much more interesting.

@A Magician Named Gob: Agreed. Engadget recently changed their commenting system, and why they didn't steal liberally from Gizmodo is beyond me.

@minjChE: I probably didn't state it very well, but what I meant was that moves like this from Verizon indicate that they have placed their bet with Android instead of Apple, thus no iPhone.

@MattSTKC: Maybe this deeper integration with Andriod is an indication that Verizon WON'T be getting the iPhone, at least any time soon.

@WookieLifeDay: Good point. Whoever gets the role is not just playing Superman.

At what point do they walk into a bar?

@BoscoH: Let me fix this for you:

@BoscoH: Should this be on the List of No-Longer-Funny Memes?

If you're looking for me, I'll be watching Springtime for Hitler that'll be playing just down the street from Spidey.

Windows 7 may or may not fly, but at the very least you can say that MS employees are making the best of it and are proud of their product. Lighten up people.

Why!!!!?!?!?!?? If we give money to Bono and his charities, can he make this stop?

I get the points, but overcoming inertia is oftenthe key point when people advise others to just get started. Preparation is key, but at some point you do have to get to it and sometimes even a small amount of motion can produce tremendous results.

@maythetechbewithyou: Also very annoying is "This is old news" or "slow news day?" Are there warnings/bann-nations for these?

You can still get away with teasing the font sizes and formatting on college term papers? We used to do that back in the day. I thought professors would have caught on by now.

If I buy one, can I break it in half and share it with a friend?

@dantheman12: It looks like it's the only thing you be able to carry!

The first time I saw this animation style was in Jackie Chan Adventures. It also looks familiar to The Batman. Did they use the same animators? Also, why does everyone's nose look smashed in?

@Purple Umpteenth - Zombie Dolpharktopus: As low to the ground as this guy is, how can you possibly "tackle" him? You'd most likely be stuck there with him, especially if you're not as big as he is.