
This is why the Amazing Race is one reality show worth watching.

@talkingstove: Good point. It just seems like the momentum has shifted considerably away from Chrome. Things look promising on the Android front with the Galaxy Tab, but the upcoming Android tsumani leading up to the holiday season will provide a better measure on how Android and Chrome's future.

Interesting to see Chrome become more and more marginalized. Anyone else feel like the market has passed Chrome by?

I can't see Larry Ellison without thinking of this guy:

It sounds like they turned Showgirls into an indie art film.


@AvidBlogger: Notion Ink Adam, currently fighting vaporware status. I really want this tablet to come out, but they seem to keep delaying it.

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: When I realized that the reset button was standard equipment on all Starfleet ships, that's when I started losing interest in Voyager.

Enterprise? I thought you said Classic Sci-Fi? As for Angel's seasons 1 and 2, don't knock them) Doyle alone made Season 1 worth watching (damn you Joss!)

@cletar: You beat me to it! "Year of Hell" was what Voyager should have been condensed into 2 episodes.

@DRaGZ: How about a Devil Dinosaur?

@r.p.goodfellow: The ability to take notes with one hand similar to handwriting makes Swype an interesting proposition. I want to replace my paper notepad but need a device I can naturally have at my side, not in front of me.

@badmoon: Would one be able to use Swype with this tablet? And if so, how does Swype compare with handwriting in terms of speed?

@n3onkn1ght: Peter Parker is an Everyman, so his race wasn't a key factor in his character. That's not to say that every white character can be interchanged. Daredevil (Irish-American heritage) and Captain America (1940's American propaganda tool) are two examples in the Marvel world.

@beefmalone: Captain America, who was chosen and designed to be the embodiment of the perfect American man in the 40's?

So Zune squirting makes a comeback in 2014? A display on one section of a mirror would be cool, not a whole mirror display. The expanding screen concept would be incredible.

@Ravennl: We can't serve up humans with marinara sauce.

@Doctor Insano: From the article- "In picking these books, I tried to avoid picking from the über-obvious..."

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@carlinemom: Ah, the "there's no such thing as bad publicity" fallacy. Let's look at another ad for a phone that got people talking: