
Didn't Spider-Man do this all the time? Where was your outrage then?

@DssTrainer: Hearted for civility. So rare around here!

@DssTrainer: I'm not making an either/or comparison, and neither should you. You're right-they should go into Android, and they are. But to your point of why bother with webOS-it's easy $. Not a boatload, but definitely a decent ROI.

@Yeah!: No but they throw in the app Angy Birfs for free.

@DssTrainer: So far Angry Birds has had over 5000 downloads, which at close to $2 a pop gives them $10K. I believe that they're also in the running to win the Palm's Hot Apps contest, which has a grand prize of $100K. $110K isn't a bad ROI for a few days of effort, even with the relatively small user base.

Is this an indication that developing for webOS is easier/better than for Android? If so, this may bode well for the next iteration webOS devices, especially if you can easily port from iOS.

I think I'll wait for the WebOS tablet.

@Doctor Insano: In America, they were calling for their mascot, so why not?

This movie could have been better, but I enjoyed the world that they introduced, and would love to explore it even further. I didn't care too much about Hayden C. as a hero but he was supposed to be a bit unlikeable. Maybe he'll be a more sympathetic character in Part 2.

I think it was the early rumors that Michael Cera was going to star in in it that drove potential viewers away.

Is this a contest sponsored by the Darwin Awards?

I see that people are whining about the price and specs, but what you should really direct your bitching to is the fact that you'd basically be paying $1100 to be a beta tester.

Called it. Here was my comment back in June when the latest trailer came out:

@Garion: But the iPad isn't a laptop without a keyboard. It's a bigger iPod Touch.

I want to believe.

Where's Mephisto when we really need him? Can we pull an OMD on this and make it go away?

@W10002: Did you forget your sarcasm tag?

This is going straight into the TV Deadpool.

@jepzilla: All that and he couldn't "navigate" that D list actress. Nerd!!!!