
I love this site. You typically stand head and shoulders above other Gawker sites " This post however, drags you back down to their level with the sensationalism and knee-jerk "journalism." Please get back to writing about robots and vampires and zombies and superheroes. Thanks!

@Neon: You just earned extra credit.

Ah, Schadenfreude, we meet once again.

I still think that they could have done a TV series from this but a movie will serve it better. A bigger budget will allow for the effects needed for some of the characters (Xavin) and the dinosaur. I wonder if the Nico's cutting herself to access her power will stay in?

"The iPad's the best tablet around right now because it's the only tablet around"

@mordicai: I hope that the studios realize the potential that the franchise has and dumps Night for another director. Considering that even with the heavy baggage (racebending, Night) the first film did relatively well, imagine what could be done if they upgraded to a good director.

@Doctor How: Actually, it was M Night's plan all along to make a trilogy out of the cartoon series, not just one film. I just hope someone else does the rest of the films. Dude is just poison for any project now.

You know, Angel's opening credits didn't stray too far from this formula, just substitute "cool" '90's music for cool 80's music.

Black Canary and Green Arrow ala their JLU stories.

@ShanaLD: I normally don't, but it seemed applicable in this case, as the OP was commenting as if this was a new thing in the Marvel movie world.

@gargle: In X-Men 3, they changed the character of Quill (Kid Omega in credits) from black to Asian, so this wouldn't be the first time this was done to a minor X-character.

@G-stylez: That probably just removes one layer of suck to this movie.

Damn that's harsh. And I was looking forward to seeing this. Never mind then.

@TheAlmeida: Look! Lady Gaga's publicist reads Gizmodo! Welcome!

@justinpe: Why run ads when you can have Gizmodo, Engadget, CNET, CNN, ABC, etc. do it for you?

Why the rolled up sleeves? Why?

@LegacyCrono: Everyone knows that this isn't a real vampire.