
Android 3 on high specc'ed phones or is it really for tablets? Considering the fact that everyone seems to be waiting to release their tablets until the fall, maybe this is what they're waiting for. That or Flash 10.1. for mobiles.

A vampire robot riding a zombie dinosaur would be much better.

@maggeimerc: New Mutants, Academy X, or even Power Pack (although better as a cartoon) might work for a series.

I'm afraid to say this because Marvel might be reading, but Runaways would be a great fit for TV. Teen heroes with major issues (parents are supervillans!). I'm afraid that the suits might CW the hell out of this story though.

When it can fold itself into a robot, then we can start to worry.

@thesolster: You should reread your account of the wedding, because intentional or not, you do come off as a bit self-centered here. It's great that everything worked itself out in the end, however.

@The5thElephant: "I was more excited about marrying people using an iPad than the marriage itself."

I'm sorry, but this rev. seems a bit self-centered here. "Hey look at me and my shiny new toy." Dude, the wedding isn't about you. No wonder his wife was disgusted.

@omgwtflolbbqbye: In terms of story development, I don't understand either why they don't just crib heavily from the DCAU. They were pretty proficient in turning storylines from the comics into episodes that the easily digestible to the general public.

This doesn't sound very magical.

Hopefully The Walking Dead will do the same for Zombie TV shows.

@FriarNurgle: From a sales perspective, the hardware has been, but MS has really taken to the Zune interface, so much that they're incorporating it into their entire universe. Even Bing is getting Zuned. I think the Zune player was just a platform for them to develop and deploy the software.

@ralph the robot: Now that we've got that tired joke out of the way...

@I'm Spartacus: It's not just Giz, it's the entire internet.

io9-A great follow up to this would be a list of B/C/D-listers that you would like to see in their own movies. Have you done this already?

I think the twist will be an appearance by Cabbage Man.

@collex: Signs was mostly good. Revealing the alien at the end brought that film down, however.