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    No problem! There are so many great episodes, I think my list changes a little bit every time I make one. Say My Name is a definite favorite, but I put the pilot on the list since it's the one that got me hooked. There were some sentimental reasons involved in that one. Four Days Out is an honorable mention for me, I

    I don't think Jamie has changed since I watched the show 10 years ago. I suspect he may not be entirely human…

    Mike… I mean, um, Jonathan Banks is a badass. Vince Gilligan is adorable. That is all.

    Umm… Asian female scientist/engineer?

    Great list. Ozymandias is the clear winner for me, too. That's so hard, there are so many standout episodes, but I'll give it a try. In no particular order:

    Well, if Walt was add much of a genius as he thought he was, I don't think him 'tweaking the chemistry' to get it into crystalline form is as unbelievable as the amount of damage portrayed. It would take a lot more mercury fulminate to get those effects. Still, it's just TV and I thought the scene was great.

    Well, it can be pretty darn pure. I can guarantee you a purity of 96%.

    You did NOT just say that.

    You've covered my sentiments exactly on that topic.

    Agreed. Shows that use the slow-burn tend to pay off in the end. A slower pace isn't always a bad thing. Breaking Bad was always compelling for me, and its quality was far superior to most other shows on television. Some people just get bored if there aren't explosions going on and find all dialogue boring, I guess. I

    It's enough to keep me interested for now, but it's going to need to get better for me to watch a second season.

    Better Call Saul is a superior show, and Gilligan is smart to devote more of his time in that show rather than Battle Creek. It isn't a bad show, but it needs something that sets it apart. I do like most of the cast, but that alone won't keep me interested. I'll watch the rest of this season and we'll see how I feel

    Whoever quit Breaking Bad… yikes.

    I think that, if nothing else, he has gotten his closure with Carter. And I think he deserved that. Hopefully John will get over it soon, because I too believe that storyline needs to end soon.

    "More and more I'm coming around to the idea that the pacing of the season was deliberately meant to be uneven." I agree, I feel the same way.

    I agree 100% with everything you just said. It's like you read my mind. You must be a Legilimens.

    I had some doubts when I first saw who the actress was. But the only thing I've seen Katheryn Winnick in before is House. And she was sooo much better in her guest spot on this show than in House. I hated her on House, but I thought she was great on POI.

    I feel like John just feels she is a good person and wants to protect her… which makes her no different than anybody else, haha. The banter with his new captain was at least entertaining unlike Iris' hero worship. Whatever happened to her anyways?

    I simply have no interest in Iris or what happens to her. And we all get that John's got emotional problems, I don't need to see it detailed on the couch. And besides, Finch has done more for John than Iris ever could.

    I agree that it's been rather obvious. But I really don't have much investment in her character. I just don't care about what happens to her.