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    There's a guy named Chuck that works with our company sometimes. One of my co-workers who doesn't like him always calls him "Chuck the motherf*ck". Could definitely apply to Chuck McGill.

    Spin-off of a spin-off? Hamlindigo Blues? Haha, just kidding.

    The only one that's ambiguous is how much money Jimmy actually stole. We see his dad has a tendency to hand it out to help "poor souls". It might not all have been him, maybe partially. Not that it makes it any better or anything…

    Engineering involves a ton of science. I would know. Science and mathematics.

    And a blindfolded, bound Tyrell Wellick hopping into a matte painting as well.

    Haha, I was half expecting her to tell him that she had a bad case of diarrhea - shouldn't have had that bean burrito! - to get him to back off.

    It's a very good show, but I agree, not up there with BCS. Can't wait for Season 3!

    And of course the Machine chose Root as her voice. Very fitting and it does soften the loss a bit for me. I figured her number was up, and once she made that speech to Finch I knew she was gone. Being immortalized by the Machine in that manner would have deeply touched Root. I'm so sad this show is ending soon.

    He knew the commercial wouldn't get approved and banked on the idea that positive results would forgive his undermining of authority. He was unsurprisingly and very obviously wrong.

    I think that makes it more tragic. We can see why Chuck doubts Jimmy's attempts to be on start and narrow. We know that he has good reasons to object to some of Jimmy's methods.

    A lot of the hate towards Skyler was completely unwarranted and she had every reason to object to what Walt was doing. On the other hand, Chuck despised Jimmy even when Jimmy was doing the right thing, or at the very least honestly trying to do the right thing. Chuck is insecure and jealous of the easy manner in which

    That's a pretty good comparison, although, I think there's more to why people dislike Chuck. At least for me, it was that Chuck brought Jimmy down when Jimmy was actually trying really hard to do the right thing. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. But if Chuck set aside his jealousy and insecurity, and supported

    The sad thing is, if Chuck wasn't so insecure and supported his brother and showed Jimmy he believes in him, maybe that would've nudged Jimmy away from the path of becoming Saul.

    I think the big difference is that Walt revelled in becoming Heisenberg, whereas Jimmy is fighting desperately not to be Slippin' Jimmy, but everything seems to be telling him that's all he'll ever be, and it's slowly eating away at his will to stay on the straight and narrow.

    This is officially one of my favorite TV shows on right now along with Better Call Saul and Person of Interest.

    I think both are great shows. I don't know if Mr. Robot will ever top BB for me personally. But I'll wait and see.

    But I felt really frickin' bad when Andrea died.

    I thought he might be Elliott's father. But now I'm not sure if he's real or not. I think he's just in Elliott's imagination and/or some sort of split personality. But who knows?

    I thought maybe Mr. Robot was Elliott's father (as I'm sure many others suspected). But now I'm not sure whether he faked his death or is a figment of Elliott's imagination. It seems to be the later but obviously the writer's intentionally make it seem that way, so I think he might be real. That's less predictable,

    The cat's in the bag… And the bag's ing the river were great (admittedly, I think they're all great). Most people seem to think the first season is the worst, but I disagree. It's less action-packed, it's just great in a different way. The first season was arguably the best in terms of character study. It was quieter,