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    Haha, good point. But it wasn't actually mine. I locked myself out at the office where I work, where the shop (think lots of tools) also happens to be located. Apparently a lot of the guys at the shop locked themselves out of their trucks a lot, so one of them had a slim jim.

    I locked my keys in my car not too long ago. Shame I didn't get to try this out then, (now I really want to see if this works). But I had a slim jim, so it all worked out. It depends on the car. Some of the older ones, you can just pop open. Whereas the newer ones don't even have a mechanical lock.

    That is the idea. I'm not sure why people are so confused over this.

    I really think all of that camera work was to try and fool the audience more than anything. He was conning them, much like (a much more lethal) Slippin' Jimmy. I figured he had them right where he wanted them, noticing he had broken into a cop car earlier, and he deliberately waited until closing hours.

    I'm with you. Well said. I've seen a lot of interviews with him and he seems like such a decent guy. And the people that have worked with him only say great things about him. I also think he's just poking fun, I don't see anything mean-spirited or contemptuous about it.

    I know a lot of people who like the Walking Dead. I myself have never been able to get into it.

    Have you heard of Person of Interest? I'm not sure if that would is something that would interest you, but I feel like that show hardly ever slows down. It's gotten better every season, in my opinion, and the seasons are long (from September to May, usually just over 20 episodes). They find a way to raise the stakes

    Personally, I sort of prefer the slow burn. It pays off in the end, when done well. But that's just my opinion.

    Exactly! It's not a show for geeks anymore, it's more like Friends, except the characters are smarter.

    Man, I have to wait until next Monday until the next episode? What gives! Seriously, though, next week's episode looks very promising. It looks like Jimmy is probably going to be representing Mike and he'll finally be doing more than just collecting stickers at the parking booth (as fun as those interactions are).

    The whole point of that, I think, was to show that Jimmy was able to focus, remain patient and do his job in spite of being bored out of his mind. Him being able to remember all of that off of the top of his head is more surprising when given the context of just how long he's had to wait for her to fetch all her

    Haha, Michael Bay. I personally thought the Transformers movies were rather boring. And Pearl Harbor is quite possibly the worst popular war movie ever made. If you can even call it a war movie. It was a love story that just happened to be set during a war (which got many things historically incorrect). It's not even

    But in this case, I think the scene in Better Call Saul with the slow old lady was effective. As the author wrote, it made the fact that Jimmy remembered everything and was still able to do his job and stay focused even when he was clearly bored out of his mind more pronounced. But that's just my opinion.

    I definitely think the cocktail should be dubbed a 'Slippin' Jimmy'.

    Better Call Saul is definitely a different show than Breaking Bad. But a lot, of course, is similar. In particular, the beautiful cinematography and clever camera angles are a hallmark of the shows' creators. That is something you should expect to see in Breaking Bad. That and the amazing attention to detail. Breaking

    So true. While Saul is a colorful and fun character, we don't want to see Jimmy lose his innocence. Unfortunately, we know he eventually does.

    I pretty much trust anyone who was on the creative team of Breaking Bad. Even if the premise of the show sounded somewhat dubious to me, I was sure Vince, Peter and Co. would do a great job because of they truly care about their characters and telling a great story. Too bad the rest of Hollywood couldn't follow suit.

    To be fair, I don't really expect to see much character development in comedy shows. I used to watch The Big Bang Theory, but I don't find it very funny anymore. I started losing interest in the fourth season, and gave up by the beginning of the fifth season. They started focusing too much on romances. I just enjoyed

    Indeed. I happened to love that the entire plot of the episode basically centered around two men trying to kill a fly. That's what makes Breaking Bad so special. Because it was really so much more than that. We got important insight into the psyches of the two main characters. And the suspense of wondering if Walt was

    Exactly. Even many Breaking Bad fans complain that the first season was too slow. All of those quiet character moments were essential to set up everything else. The dialogue and scenes with Walt doing nothing more than reflecting internally were put there for a reason by Vince and his team of writers.