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    Really, the least compelling? I have to disagree. There have been many female characters who were cases of the week who were so forgettable, I cannot even remember their names at the moment. She at least was able to hold her own in scenes with the regular cast and had something resembling a personality; something

    I agree. It wasn't that noticeable at first but has gotten progressively worse. Because before, Harold flat-out told Root that the Machine was not a deity, but a program with objectives. Same thing when he was telling Reese and Shaw that the Machine is not 'benevolent' and is incapable of mirroring their system of

    I think the show is aware of this though, and seemed to make a self-referencing joke about it last week when Finch was explaining something technical to Fusco and Fusco asked, "Are you talking to me?" Or something along those lines, when clearly it was for the audiences benefit. But I agree, that they should do more

    We get spoiled on POI with the great regular cast. I mean, if you compare the actress that played Claire to anyone on a show from say, ABC Family, she looks like an Emmy contender. But she was playing opposite Michael Emerson. Not an easy thing to do.

    It's a conundrum for sure. I tend to like serialized dramas much more than procedurals, but you also don't want to take away from the core of the show which is Reese and Finch saving the Irrelevant numbers. So they have to balance that out a little bit.

    Haha, my thoughts exactly.

    I'm with you. The actress had the tough task of holding her own while playing opposite the wonderful Michael Emerson. Yes, her acting abilities showed weaknesses at times, but I think she is being criticized far too much. I understand dissatisfaction, but not the hate. She wasn't great, but I don't think she was

    "If S3 was any indication, everything from Episode 16 to the finale will be very, very, heavy…" This is when I think POI is at its best. I can't wait!

    I think it really just simply comes down to the fact that she's pregnant with twins. They are leaving the possibility of bringing her back on the show.

    I always love it when Harold has to do something violent. I find it very amusing. Is that wrong?

    Agreed. Valuing life does not make someone weak.

    He's old, what do you expect? And plastic surgery or botox usually ends up looking terrible.

    Watch it. You won't be sorry.

    I actually really like the idea of her character, but the execution hasn't been up to par. No, not the best acting, but I think people are being a little too critical. We're just used to the amazing acting of Emerson, Caviezel, Acker, etc. It's a lot to ask for all of the minor characters/actors to hold their own

    No Colbert Report or Daily Show… No reason to watch Comedy Central anymore. At least not for me.

    My favorite part had to be the pseudo-dialogue via the Machine's simulation:

    I think decision works, it's just difficult to put in onscreen. Using creepy precocious kids has been used way too many times.

    I wasn't a huge fan of the kid either. I suppose it could have been worse… but I hoped it would have come up with something more sophisticated. It might work in the script, but any time you have an eerily precocious kid on television it always screams cliche and cheesy. It's just been so overdone.

    Finch's monologue was my favorite part of the episode. And it was so on point.

    It encouraged them to kill a senator. It once tried to kill Finch, more than once. The only way he stopped it from doing this was to cripple it, and now those restrictions are no longer in place. It's easy to see why he doesn't put absolute trust in the Machine. Also, in today's world in real life, would you accept it