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    Perhaps the machine is 'benevolent', but I doubt the endgame of the show is that an all-poweful AI watching our every move is a good thing. It did try and get them to kill a senator. Finch was worried that it might go to even greater lengths to protect people. The Machine has saved lives, but at what cost? That is

    But Reese clearly cared for her. No, he never showed any romantic interest in her, but I take the kiss as more of a spur-of-the-moment situation because they were both potentially about to die. More of an appreciation kiss than an 'I love you' one.

    I'm interested in Claire's storyline and how it will impact the team, particularly Finch. But I agree, I really liked the actress. Sometimes, the person of the week isn't really able to hold his or her own against the terrific POI cast, but she did just that.

    And let's not forget, Gandalf was like 3000 years old. He kicked some serious ass.

    This. I agree 100%.

    On of my favorite lines of the episode. (Fusco got a couple of good ones, too).

    Reese's conversation wheel options: 1) Talk in low voice, 2) [Silence], 3) [Shoot in knee cap].

    Finch wasn't the one claiming that the Machine really cares. That's Root. Finch told her the Machine would kill her without any remorse. He just wanted to simulate something like care through code and to emulate certain human behaviors as it learned and evolved. But he has always seen the Machine as just that, a

    The people who crucified this show over Carter and stopped watching don't understand that while Carter's character is gone, she still has a large impact on the show through the characters she influenced for the better.

    Replace Reese with Root and that's my gut feeling.

    All good points. I have enjoyed this season, though, I think mostly because the case of the week almost always has to do with the bigger picture. I'm starting to like Martine more as the antagonist. But the writing for her and Dominic could be better. I'm hoping that that the Brotherhood has bigger plans we aren't

    Agreed. That one and the one with the gymnast.

    If I had one criticism it's that the perp turning into the victim is overdone a bit. Going with the 'obvious' first choice and sticking with it would actually throw POI viewers off.

    Just not in Toys R Us. They were already freaked out on by having Breaking Bad dolls (yet, no one complains about GTA being sold there? smh).

    I hope we see Zoe and Leon (I almost said Miles) again. I would like the return favor from the judge (Costabile) to come into play as well, but I don't have high hopes for that.

    Or Finch with his umbrella.

    I definitely like how they've played Martine's character up. That way we can see her as a credible threat.

    Totally agreed. I really like Root as a character, but her character arc is pretty much complete.

    I'm still waiting to see if Claire will return at all. It would make sense since she's a Samaritan operative now.

    I think it's just a recurring theme, rather than a direct connection.