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    He should've checked by shooting it if he was any kind of smart.

    I personally feel that Root's up next, but I could obviously be very wrong about that.

    The way Mconaghey talks almost ruins everything he's in for me. Haven't watched True Detective yet, but that's on my to-do list. Oh, and those Lincoln commercials are so unintentionally hilarious.

    Did anyone else see a potential Watch Dogs reference? (Yeah… probably just me. And it was probably coincidental, but here's for hoping).

    I do like how virtually all of the episodes this season have had something to do with the bigger picture in one way or another. 'Prophets' was one of my favorite episodes of the series. I agree that this season is relying more on the chemistry of the cast, and the cases of the week have not been as inventive as they

    Yes, but that seemed to purely be physical attraction. I think she even told him at some point she didn't want to date him. She hooks up with people, but she doesn't get into long-term relationships. I just don't see it being a major point on this show. They don't focus on romance, which seems realistic to me seeing

    I don't think I can ever read 'Mr. White' without hearing Aaron Paul's voice.

    Or the monotone thing that people sometimes complain about. (Personally, I don't mind it and think it fits his character.)

    Yikes, that Batman voice.

    Well, Harold is a genius, so it's quite possible that he knows the basics of the language. I'm sure he conducted a lot of business with the Chinese in his above-ground days.

    Good point. I always thought it might end with the destruction of the Machine, but it's hard to tell.

    But the show gets better and better each season. In an age with DVR and Netflix, ratings aren't as pertinent in gauging a show's success anymore. Breaking Bad, after all, never had sky-high ratings. (Though, it did win many awards, which POI has yet to gain that much earned recognition). I see the show running for at

    Yes, because I highly doubt the endgame of this show would be that it's a positive thing for us to have an autonomous, controlling AI watching our every move. Eventually, Harold is going to have to face his demons and all of his misgivings about creating the Machine. As Nathan Ingram said, "Perhaps we should consider

    They're really making us wait for two weeks until the next episode?! ARGHHH!

    I have to say, I was a bit disappointed that Walter's hat wasn't a porkpie hat. I mean, Gretchen was in the episode and his name is Walter! And he was even taking on an alter-ego in said hat.

    I wouldn't take that too seriously, haha.

    I think Shaw cares for Root as much as Shaw can care for a person, but I'm pretty sure Shaw has said she could never be in a romantic relationship. And this show doesn't really focus on romance, so I don't expect it to be a big deal.

    Sorry, all I could think was 'Gretchen' I completely forgot her name in POI when I was watching the episode.

    You are in for a ride. That show was amazing. My favorite for sure. Bryan Cranston's performance as Walter White is phenomenal.

    You can't expect fictional shows to get science 100% correct. And while I thought Gretchen's speech about Euler's Identity was a bit silly and over-reaching, I was fine with it. She must just one of those rare overly emotional and sentimental scientists, haha.