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    Yet. I hope there will be a flashback in future episodes.

    Or Bode. Everyone kept saying 'boad' plots when it's actually 'Bo-dee'.

    Yup, it's pronounced 'Oiler'. The only reason I know is because we used some of his theorems and such in my classes. The first time I heard it, it took me a moment to figure out what the instructor was talking about.

    'Oiler' is the correct pronunciation. Most people see it and think 'You-ler', but it's not. I first heard this in class and was very confused for a moment before I realized this.

    I thought maybe Harold was given a number he was taking on his own, but I thought it was Gretchen (haha, I referred to her as 'Gretchen' the entire episode), who set up the thief. To my surprise, it was Finch. And I agree, it's great to see the less cuddly versions of Elias and Finch.

    You mean you weren't staring at Fusco?

    You mean David Costabile (a.k.a. Gale Boetticher)? Me, too! I was always hoping the judge was going to play a role later on.

    Nope, something more boring. It's just my nickname. :)

    Yes, they always have one, but this week was really more about Samaritan and tied to the bigger story. I meant it looked more like the procedural style back in the earlier seasons than the more serialized episodes. But I'm sure they'll find ways to tie into the bigger story of the Brotherhood, etc. Nothing seems to be

    I didn't know about that, haha.

    Yes, me too! I love how this show can laugh at itself.

    True. But if she were solely devoted to the Machine, I think she would do terrible things if it told her to. She could have just as easily been manipulated into doing Samaritan's work if the circumstances were right, much like Claire. I'm not saying the Machine didn't teach her some valuable lessons, because it did,

    Then I'm really looking forward to it now. It'll be interesting to see what role Elias and the Brotherhood will ultimately play in the greater scheme.

    Yes! Chekhov's missile. Whatever will happen to that? I can't wait to find out what happens.

    The moment with Carter was so unexpected and so heart-wrenching. After all the anxiety about Root they went ahead and gut-punched us with that beautiful and somber moment. I was not prepared for that.

    It looks as if next week's episode is going back to the person of the week format, but hopefully they will have more in store for us. I'm really looking forward to seeing what Finch is going to do with his Machine. And from the promos, it looks like he takes someone out on a motorcycle with an umbrella! I love it when

    Too much? I loved the episode. This show hasn't disappointed me yet, so I trust the writers that they will have many more surprises in store for us.

    People believe what they want to believe. I think many of them would deny something like that to themselves. Even if many believed, what would happen to them? They'd probably be eliminated, so everyone else would be too afraid to do anything about it. In the end, they decided it was better for the guy not to know.

    I tend to agree with Finch. The Machine isn't some deity and should not be trusted unreservedly. It's just code, a decision-making engine that will complete what it is programmed to do at all costs. But Root is correct in saying that the difference between the Machine and Samaritan is Finch. Without him, the Machine

    I was thinking that too! When he has 'how long has it been?' There was a very long pause after that, and I was just thinking 'What the hell is he talking about!' If those words weren't coming out of Finch's mouth, I wouldn't think they were innocent. But for a split second I was thinking, surely he wouldn't, would he?