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    Just imagine Reese and Shaw in a Christmas episode. Maybe Finch could get them all hand-tailored Rudolph sweaters, bahahaha!

    It's my favorite show on television right now and doesn't get nearly the amount of praise and recognition it deserves. There is no earthly reason that Michael Emerson shouldn't be receiving some Emmy nods, in my opinion.

    Aww, poor Finch. But he's still got his bromance with Reese, and Bear…

    It's still pretty terrifying, though.

    There were a couple of moments between Finch and Root that were a bit suggestive. Root stripping was a blatant one, with Finch being hilariously awkward. Then there was another moment when Finch asked her, "You must be lonely, how long has it been?" If those words came out of anyone else's mouth but Finch's, they

    Romantic relationships were never an emphasis for the show, anyways. Or at least ongoing ones for the main characters. The writers sure do give a nod to it, but I don't think they'll ever turn it into a big deal. I mean, it's not like I'm expecting Root and Shaw to get married any time soon, haha.

    Yes! You should watch this show, it's great. It takes a while for it to be more of a serial show rather than a procedural, but there are still great moments in those episodes as well.

    It's my favorite show on right now. Sometimes they have procedural elements, but the overarching mythology of the show is rich. Even the down episodes are still entertaining, at least for me.

    The knee-capping doesn't bother me. I just take it as a running gag of the show. And I agree, I doubt CBS allow POI to have Breaking Bad-esque bloody head-shots.

    Exactly. The writers are aware of its ridiculousness and doesn't take itself seriously in this regard, so neither do I. I just take it as one of the show's running jokes.

    Is it bad that I heard about her because she's on the Lord of the Rings soundtrack?

    The season is still young, the caller still might have an impact.

    Agreed. Normally, the writers don't undermine the intelligence of its audience. So I was disappointed they felt they needed to spell it out for us by having Link call him by name. I'm pretty sure we all got it by that point. If anyone didn't, they probably shouldn't be watching the show in the first place.

    We haven't seen her enough to make a judgment, but I'm happy with how the writers have handled it so far. I felt they weren't trying to replace Carter, which no one ever will. She's just another new character.

    All of the team member seem to genuinely care for one another, with the exception of Reese and Root. I'm hoping they get some more screen time together to explore that dynamic. Root seems to think more highly of Bear than Reese, and Reese seems to put up with her because Finch needs her around. It's a reluctant

    Aw, Hersch… *sniff, sniff* Who thought we'd ever miss that guy?

    Exactly! He doesn't trust easily, and for good reason. There's no way he's going to tell this potentially dangerous adversary about his knowledge of the Machine and Samaritan. That could get him and his friends all killed.

    I love how POI makes you think and doesn't undermine the intelligence of its audience.

    What Claire fails to understand is that we create our own meaning. She's looking for meaning from an external source, rather than within herself. Instead of a search for parental love, I found it paralleled more with trying to find god or religion. She's looking for some sort of divine intervention where none exists.

    Honestly, I don't remember. That movie was pretty awful.