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    Reese: "Finch? Are you telling me you're —"

    Now I'm going to have to rewatch the episode and watch out for that.

    I really like the new addition. A lesser show would have turned her into a Carter clone, but the writers of POI aren't that classless and don't underestimate the intelligence of their audience. That's just one of the many things I love about this show.

    I remember the one with the couple that was trying to kill each other and get back together in the end. Maybe that was Season 2? That was probably my least favorite episode. But POI still manages to make everything else entertaining, and its 'bad' episodes are still pretty damn good compared to other shows on

    In my post-Breaking Bad depression, POI is the only show I get legitimately excited to watch. The show doesn't get the recognition it deserves.

    He's obnoxious and narcissistic, but it's not like he's killed anyone or beats his wife.

    Hey, come on. Hobbits are cool.