Kelvin Walker

I remember seeing a movie, I think it was Disney animation, where there were centaurs without nipples. As a kid I thought that was weird, as an adult I still do. Now that I’m remembering non-nipple experiences, the movie Showgirls was on VH1 years ago, the women dancers all had digitally inserted bras! It was


I appreciate your dismissive and sarcastic phrasing too.

“so much ego” - is that a quote from Clueless starring Alicia Silverstone?

“People need to relax because its a translation that apparently was wrong...” Apparently? Lets find out before getting too relaxed to care. “people have to come up with new reasons to stay mad at this one thing” - gay people don’t sit around thinking up new ways to stay mad, we don’t need to. Here in Florida,

I just looked up ‘tl;dr’

“You can feel however you want.” Phew, I was worried about that until you told me.

your feelings about that are not justified

who are you quoting?

so I’ve found a trigger for you to take offense to? no no, sorry, I won’t troll. I do like your use of sarcasm appreciating my sarcasm... echo chamber!!!!

wow! thats great

“People are searching for offense it seems, any possible “trigger” so they can play the part of aggrieved.” Do you have specific examples of these “triggers” that people search for? What do you take offense to and does it require finding a “trigger”?

Your post is the definition of dismissive, which is in abundant supply on the internet. There is a great number of people for who “whatever” or “its just weird” is enough of an opinion or explanation, and anyone who dares to take things seriously is derided as overly serious, uptight or expressing false outrage. When

“There is no good reason to feel offended by this, not by any group.” Phew, I was worried I might feel offended, but you were here to correct and tell me how we both feel about it. Thanks.

Of course I don’t assume all gay people think alike, that would be dumb. I do, from personal experience, expect anyone who glibly dismisses potential homophobic bigotry with the paternalistic “just relax” is probably straight. So far I’ve been right every time. Let the poster speak for himself. I’d be interested to

Its definitely a “you just haven’t met the right man” scenario.

I thought it was 2 versions and google “I do like black people. It just took a white one to prove it to me.”

Phew... thanks straight guy

Strangers With Candy- Jerri Blank- “I do like black people. It just took a white one to prove it to me.” That magic dust is at it again.

How much time did you spend playing the game?