I think you answered your own question. “It’s barely going to matter anyways.” The operative word barely, implying it will matter to a small degree, which of course is unacceptable in a tournament.
I think you answered your own question. “It’s barely going to matter anyways.” The operative word barely, implying it will matter to a small degree, which of course is unacceptable in a tournament.
the voice of reason!
you must not have played the original... it was pretty special
Please come out on Switch!
I was an early backer of this game about 3 years ago, glad to see it finally coming to Early Access
I am one of the few who got the game at launch and have been playing since. Each update has been great. Can’t wait to restart the game again!
what you are describing isn’t “pedophilia” as the dictionary defines it... why did I post into this discussion?
spoken like a horse... running
oh shiitake mushrooms! I loved that game! Will def be getting the remake
Trust a gay gamer... its not exploitative or skeevy, its just reality reflected in the sim.
Its just funny that conservatives whine about liberal outrage and liberals being snow flakes prone to outrage when then themselves are just as outraged.
liberalism offends you?
I think by definition a tweet is public record.
Have you ever worked in a fast paced customer service role?
and not one nice thing to say?
please release in the USA... pretty please
“I, on the other hand, actually try to look at these thing objectively. I read as much information as I can from as many sources as I can.” good for you, keep up the fight
“please point out the specific ways in which there is legislation that says “men can, women can’t” and I will happily concede that equality doesn’t exist.”
“Planned parenthood ... they provide birth control and abortions and that’s about it.” You don’t know about the services PP offers, that’s obvious.
“Societal inequities are not inequalities. The meanings of words are important.” Self contradiction followed by obvious condescension. No thanks.