Kelvin Walker

the “eyes of the law” don’t always reflect reality. If the wage gap is a myth now, when was it not? were women paid the same as men 20 years ago? I am interested in your opinion on the exact time this happened.

“.... my dreams will be challenged ...” yes... yes they will

Advancing their own constituents to the point of equality with other dominant groups in society. One easy metric is pay per hour. Women and blacks just don’t paid as much for the same work as white men. Its pretty simple. As in most things, follow the money.

Women don’t even get the same pay as men for the same work. Wake up from the dream that women have equality.

oh my, that looks fun

No Switch I guess.

If I remember correctly, you had to give away all the masks at the end, which was tough to do.

When I was a kid I did the same thing with lego and the Atari 2600!

Its not a thing with mine.

I would be sad to see that day... I really like Nintendo hardware. Also my Switch is fine.

I played all the way through Find Mii

wow! memories!

not half, Hilary won the popular vote by more than half


You gave him shit for using the word privileged and then you use the word retard that’s hilarious

Now I can’t sleep...


Was it you or Kotaku that brought up politics in this thread? You.

I have trouble with 50% of the PC games I buy. Its frustrating and turning me towards preferring consoles. That’s why I’m playing (enjoying) this on PS4, I just assumed the tech would be troublesome on my PC.

Oh well... I hope this just means they are shifting focus to the NX sequel